Year Published/Registered:1928
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Akebono-shibori'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:曙 絞 あけぼのしぼり
Meaning:Dawn dappled
Akebono Variegated McIlhenny Catalogue, 1937, p.3 as ‘Akebono Var.’ Synonym for Akebono-shibori.
Dawn Diversiflora Plena Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues. p.53. Synonym for Akebono-shibori as ‘Akebono Variegated’.
Dawn Striped Yashiroda, 1950, American Camellia Yearbook. Synonym for Akebono-shibori.
Dawn Variegated Vanderbilt, 1941, Camellia Research, II, p.2, as ‘Dawn Varie.’. Synonym for Akebono-shibori as ‘Akebono Variegated’.
Queen of Hearts McIlhenny, 1937, 600 Varieties of Camellias, p.11. Synonym for Akebono-shibori as ‘Akebono Variegated’.
» English Description
» Japanese Description
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Japan
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Akebono、Kurume-akebono、Mure-akebono、Ōmi-akebono、Reikanji-akebono、Satsuma-akebono、Chikushi-akebono、Akebono (1700a)、Akebono (1700b)、Akebono (Saitō)