Year Published/Registered:1868
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Alba Imperialis'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Louis Leroy, 1868, Catalogue, p.122: Imbricated, white lined with pink. Originated in France. Annales de Flore et de Pomone,1832-1833,Vol.1, ed. Rousselon, Paris,p.85, description translated by Armando de Castro Oliveira into English: "Vigorous shrub, leaves oval, lanceolate, serrated, the upper page of which is dark green, shiny and less dark than in those of camellia Japonica; and the lower of an olive-green, glabrous; protruding ribs. In January and February, double terminal flowers, of a pretty shape, with irregular petals of a beautiful flesh color, with streaks of a bright pink on some of them. Its culture is the same as that of the other camellia".
Flower Form:Formal / Imbricate
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Striped red
Flower Size: 10-11 cm
Blooming Season: 1-2 Month France
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Imperialis Alba、Alba Fenestrata、Alba Ficheri、Alba Fiorentina、Alba Formosissima、Alba Gemelli、Alba Gigantea、Alba Grandiflora、Alba Grandifolia、Alba Grandissima