Country:United States
Year Published/Registered:2005
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Aphrodite'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Aphrodite (C. japonica) ACS, Reg. No.2647. AmericanCamellia Yearbook, 2005, p39, with color photo p.c.C3. This isseedling from ‘Mine-No-Yuki’ which first bloomed in 1997. It was originated byRobert Green of Fairhope, Alabama and propagated by Green Nurseries ofFairhope, Alabama. It was commercially introduced in 2004. Plant:Upright and dense with average growth rate. Leaf: Dark green leaves are2.25 x 1 inches. Bloom: The 3.5” white-edged, magenta pink rose formdouble flower often has a peach-pink bud center. It has numerous petals, wavyand ruffled edged. It shows unique flower form and blooms early-midseason.
Flower Form:Rose / Standard
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Marginated red
Flower Size: 8.9-10 cm
Blooming Season: 1-3 Month United States
Flower Fragrance:
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