International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Augustiniana Superba

Augustiniana Superba

Last Updated:2022/12/5 13:52:54 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1845

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Augustiniana Superba'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Augustina Superb  Veitch, James Jr, 1853, Catalogue of Select Stove Plants…, p.13. Orthographic error for Augustiniana Superba.

Augustina Superba  Cachet Catalogue, 1845-1846, p.6. Orthographic error for Augustiniana Superba.

Augustine Superba  J. Scott & Son Nursery Catalogue, 1868. Orthographic error for Augustiniana Superba.

Saccoiana  van Houtte Catalogue, 1841, 7:18 and 1842, 9:19. Synonym for Augustiniana Superba.

Sacoiana  Charles van Geert Catalogue, 1845. Orthographic error for ‘Saccoiana’, synonym for Augustiniana Superba.


» English Description

Charles van Geert Catalogue, 1845, p.2. No description. van Geert, 1846, Catalogue Général, p.62: Large, perfectly imbricated flowers, soft pink marbled lilac. Verschaffelt, 1848, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book VII, pl.IV as ‘Augustina Superba’: This camellia, of Italian origin, came to Belgium in 1843. It forms a regular, pyramidal shrub with brownish bark. Its leaves, 11-12 cm long x 9-10 cm broad, are rounded-oval, pointed, delicately serrate with deep green veining. The bud is large, rounded, with greenish scales. The anemone form bloom opened fully, is 10-11 cm across with imbricated petals, emarginate, of bright, clear rose, veined and mottled with white. Van Houtte Catalogue, 1858-1859, 72:6 gives it as a mutation of Sacco, while Luscombe Prince & Co Exeter Nurseries Catalogue, 1875, p.28 gives Sacco Nova as a synonym of Augustiniana Superba. In the Berlèse, 1844 description he says: light rose, similar to Sacco Vera. This is probably when the confusion arose between these two cultivars. Orthographic errors: ‘Augusta Superba’, ‘Augustine Superba’, ‘Augustina Superb’.


Flower Size10-13 cm

Blooming Season Belgium
