Year Published/Registered:2017
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia‘Baojun Xiafeng’
Species/Combination:C. reticulata hybrid x ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’
Chinese Name:宝钧夏风
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Name for Mr. Feng Baojun from Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS
» English Description
Baojun Xiafeng (C. reticulata hybrid x ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’). China Regn. #2017-216. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2017, No.16, p.59. A hybrid of C. reticulata hybrid (Loretta Feathers x white reticulata) x ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’. Hybridization was carried out in 2012. The hybrid seedlings bloomed for the first time in 2016. Fflowers dark pink with purplish tone, semi-double to peony for,m, medium-sized, diameter 8.5-10cm, petals are slightly wavy at the beginning of opening, as the flowers open, they gradually become large waves, and the petals in the center are semi-erect. Leaves medium green, thick coriacious, broadly oval, about 11cm long and 6cm wide, with obvious upper veins on the leaf surface, and the margins of the leaves are pointed and deep. Plants are open and growing vigorously. The flowering period is from December to March of the following year.
» Chinese Description
宝钧夏风Camellia‘Baojun Xiafeng’ 中国登录号:2017-216,《中国花卉园艺》2017年第16期59页。由游鸣飞以中国科学院昆明植物研究所的冯宝钧先生的名字命名,金华市莫闲园艺工程有限公司的王大庄、姜建生培育并登录。本品种以王大庄培育的云南山茶杂交种劳若塔’Loretta Feathers’×白滇山茶(White Reti)为母本、以红山茶牛西奥宝石 ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’为父本杂交而得,2012 年进行杂交,杂交苗在 2016年首次开花,花朵深粉红色,泛紫色调,半重瓣型至牡丹型,中型花,花径8.5~10cm,花瓣多枚,初开放时花瓣微波浪状,随着花朵开放,逐渐变为大波浪状,中部花瓣半直立。叶片中等绿色,厚革质,阔椭圆形,长约 11cm,宽约 6cm,叶面上网脉明显,边缘叶齿尖而深。植株开张,生长旺盛。花期12月至翌年3月。
Flower Form:Peony / Peony
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Graduated Shading
Flower Size: 8.5-10 cm
Blooming Season: 12-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Xiafeng Relang