Year Published/Registered:1958
Cultivar Type:For Tea
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Beni-tsukuba'
Species/Combination:C. sinensis
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:紅筑波 べにつくば
» English Description
Beni-tsukuba. (C. sinensis). Selected from Indian tea seedlings in 1958. Use for Japanese green tea.
[Agriculture registration] None
[Product registration] None
[Characteristics] A slightly early cultivar for black tea that has strong cold resistance and is selected from Japanese varieties.
[Developer] Makabe District Agricultural Improvement Center, Ibaraki Prefecture
[History] In 1953, Hitoshi Nobushima, an extension officer of Makabe District Agricultural Improvement Center, found a cold-resistant strain in a mansion of Norio Fujita, 865 Uetanikai, Makabe Town, Makabe-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture We confirmed the suitability for black tea under the guidance of Saburo.
[Earlyness] Somewhat early.
[Morphological characteristics] The tree is upright, with medium tree vigor and medium planting. The collection of tea buds during the plucking period is rather good. Medium bud number, medium bud weight. Sprouting is slow to cure.
[Cutting rooting] Somewhat good to good.
[Good or bad initial growth] Slightly slow.
[Putting method for young trees] Since the tree is upright, we will take into consideration the stock tension.
[Yield] Medium. It's less than'Yabukita', and a little less than'Benihomare'.
[Quality] Tea quality is medium. The shape is fine and the light blue color is crimson. The richness is a little rich and the astringency is a little strong. Fermentability is good.
[Cold resistance] Strong cold resistance in winter. The laceration type frost damage is unknown.
[Disease resistance] Unknown.
[Suitable for cultivation] Warm and cool areas.
[Processing characteristics] Unknown.
» Japanese Description
紅筑波 (Beni-tsukuba) べにつくば。 煎茶用・1958年育成・品種未登録。多田系インド導入種実生。
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Red
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Japan
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Murasaki-tsukuba、Beni-arajishi、Beni-arashi、Beni-chōchidori、Beni-fukin、Beni-miyakodori、Beni-natsume、Beni-okesa、Beni-osaraku、Beni-shibori