International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Brenda Ann Hart

Brenda Ann Hart

Last Updated:2023/6/1 8:45:04 By:wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1978

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Brenda Ann Hart'

Chinese Name:布林达

Japanese Name



» English Description

American Camellia Yearbook, 1978, p.128, Reg. No.1499: A medium size, rose-pink, formal double, C.japonica chance seedling, early to mid-season flowering; originated by Tammia Nursery, Louisiana, USA. The 13 year old seedling first bloomed 1971. The flower has over 100 petals in 12-14 rows. Its average size is 10 cm across by 7.5 cm deep. Plant growth is average in density, upright and rapid in rate with dark green leaves, 7.5-8.5 cm long by 4-4.5 cm wide. For colour photo see back cover ACS, The Camellia Journal, vol.33, No.1, 1978.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第49页。美国路易斯安那州Tammia Nursery苗圃培育花玫瑰红色,完全重瓣型,中型花,花瓣100多枚,12〜14轮排列,卵圆形,外部花瓣平铺,内部花瓣边��内卷,瓣面可见深红色脉纹,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,阔椭圆形,光亮,植株立性,生长旺盛。花期早至中。


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season10-3 Month United States
