International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Cécile Voltange

Cécile Voltange

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang

Type Image

Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1848

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Cécile Voltange'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Cecil de Voltaire  Vanderbilt, 1940, Camellua Research, p.3. Orthographic error for ‘Cecile de Voltange’.

Cécile de Vallonge  Joseph Baumann, 1849, Prix Courant, p.3. Orthographic error for Cécile Voltange.

Cecile de Valtange  de Jonghe, 1851, Traité de Culture du Camellia, p.100, 114. Orthographic error for Cécile Voltange.

Cecile de Voltagne  Camellia Society of America Yearbook. 1939, p.20. Orthographic error for Cécile Voltange.

Cecile de Voltange  von Biedenfeld, 1856, Practische Grundlehren der Cultur von Camellien, p.35. Orthographic error for Cécile Voltange.

1 show +


» English Description

Verschaffelt, 1848, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book XII, pl.I: Mr Bélot de Fougére, Maulines, France obtained this variety from seed. It forms a vigorous shrub, with strong, elongated-oval leaves, slightly pointed, of a deep glossy green, smooth nerves, and numerous, deep serrations. The blossom is perfectly imbricated, with numerous, rounded petals, of a deep red colour at the centre and circumference, with a white zone occupying the intermediate third of the corolla. Orthographic errors: ‘Cecile de Valtange’, ‘Cecil de Voltaire’, ‘Cecile de Voltagne’, ‘Cecile de Voltage’, ‘Cécile de Vallonge’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season France
