Year Published/Registered:2008
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia reticulata 'Caiyun'
Species/Combination:C. reticulata
Chinese Name:彩云
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Colorful Cloud
» English Description
Caiyun (C. reticulata). China Regn. #2008-021. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2008, No.4, p.46. An open pollinated seedling of Damanao, originated at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Yunnan, China, and named by Xia Lifang. Flowers rose form double, peach red (RHSCC 66C), 10-11 cm diameter. Petals 20-25 in 4-6 whorls, flat but slightly incurved. Most stamens are in petaloid form. Leaves long ovate, bases cuneate, apices acuminate, 7.8-8.8 cm long and 3.5-4.8 cm wide. Flowers mid-season to late.
» Chinese Description
彩云 Camellia reticulata‘ Caiyun’ 中国登录号:2008-021,《中国花卉园艺》2008年第4期46页。由夏丽芳命名,中国科学院昆明植物研究所培育并登录。该品种为云南山茶品种‘大玛瑙’自然授粉后代中选育的。花玫瑰重瓣型,桃红色(R.H.S.66C),花瓣约20-25片,花瓣平整,略向内曲,4-6轮排列,花径10-11厘米,雄蕊多数瓣化,内轮花瓣明显可见雄蕊瓣化痕迹。叶长卵形,基部楔形,先端渐尖,长7.8-8.8厘米,宽3.5-4.8厘米,花期1-3月。另参见:管开云、李纪元、王仲朗主编,2014. 《中国茶花图鉴》, p.237. 识别特点:本品种为‘大玛瑙’自然杂交种子培育的后代,花色桃红,玫瑰重瓣型,内轮花瓣明显可见雄蕊瓣化痕迹,其花色和花型与母本‘大玛瑙’有较大的区别。
Flower Form:Rose / Standard
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 10-11 cm
Blooming Season: 1-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Caiyu、Mingfeng Caiyu、Longquan Caiyu