International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Candidissima


Last Updated:2022/8/8 14:41:17 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1833

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Candidissima'

Chinese Name:雪地

Japanese Name



Alba Candidissima  Martin y Giraud, 1978-1979, Gran Jardin de la Bomba, No.4, p.39: Synonym for ‘Candidissima’.

Candadissima  Robert Tyas, 1843, Popular Flowers, p.85. Orthographic error for Candidissima.

Candidessima  Rubel, 1936, “New Profits for Florists”, Wholesale Price List, No.74, p.14. Orthographic error for Candidissima.

Candidisma  Rubel, 1928, Azaleas and Camellias Catalogue, p.5. Orthographic error for Candidissima.

Candidissima Plena  Metropolitan Nursery Catalogue, 1886. Synonym for Candidissima.

18 show +


» English Description

F. Amatuer, Correspondance des Plantes, 1833, Magazin d’Horticulture 1 [pt,E]:41: Louvain 1st Dec.1832. The camellia Candidissima, which is described in your journal, was introduced directly from Japan by Dr Siebold. This camellia, together with ‘Doncke­laeri’ (Masayoshi), Ochroleuca and Tricolor (‘Ezo-nishiki’), arrived in Holland from Japan in 1829 and were first grown by Donckelaer and was the second of this group to flower. On pp.4, 5: This variety is remarkable for its leaves which resemble those of Welbankiana, except that they are thinner and supple to touch, with fine, acute serrations. The flower of 8 cm in diameter, is very double with regularly arranged, oblong, snow-white petals, exactly resem­bling a dahlia. It is mid-season flowering, pure white, formal double of about 65 petals, medium size, about 8 cm across, petals acuminate and can be imbricated to form a tiered or star shape. Leaves, light green, ovate, 6 cm long by 2.5 cm wide. Growth slow. Orthographic errors: ‘Candadissima’, ‘Candissima’, ‘Candidessima’, ‘Candidisma’, ‘Candidissimia’. Synonyms: ‘Louise Centurioni’, ‘French Pearl’, ‘Effie B. Youtz’, ‘White Star’, ‘Palmeria Alba’, ‘Louise Cen­truioni’, ‘Sieboldii’, ‘Candidissima Plena’, ‘Alba Candidissima’. Black and white photos: Hume, 1955, Camellias in America; Hertrich, 1954, Camellias in the Huntington Gardens, vol.I, p.75. Originated in Japan.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第53页。早期由意大利Von Siebold引种栽培的一个品种。花雪白色,花心略显极淡的黄晕,完全重瓣型,中型花,花瓣65枚以上,近圆形,覆瓦状排列,有时甚至呈六角状,花朵稠密。叶片淡绿色,小卵圆形,光亮,叶齿细,植株紧凑,生长缓慢。花期中。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.48.

Candidissima    甘蒂西摩 C. japonica)   红山茶。1833,法国。原产地:日本。完全形六角列瓣、白色、中轮(8cm)、花期12月、生长缓慢。同种异名: Candidissima PlenaEffie B. Youtz French PearlLouise CenturioniPalmeria AlbaSieboldiiWhite Star 1829 年,Dr. Siebold 直接从日本引进4个品种 CandidissimaDonckeleari (正义)、OchroleucaTricolor (虾夷锦)到荷兰,交给Donckelear培育,其中2个品种当时日本已有文献登录。

Candidissima (甘蒂西摩)一新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.50, C41.

Candidissima (雪地)一高继银,2007,国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏,p.53.


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season1-2 Month Japan
