International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Dança ao Luar

Dança ao Luar

Last Updated:2023/4/28 9:43:36 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Yves CHAPEL



Year Published/Registered2022

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia ‘Dança ao Luar’

Chinese Name:月光舞

Japanese Name

Meaning:Dance in the moonlight'.


» English Description

Dança ao Luar (C. hybrid), European Reg. No 182. First published in International Camellia Journal, 2022, No. 54, p.43.  Originated and introduced by Rodrigo Paulo Leitão, at Viveiro das Camélias, Penafiel, Portugal. Seedling of unknown parentage in 2004, first flowering in 2010. Plant: growth habit upright, growth rate medium; blooming in Portugal from February to April. Flower: medium to large, 11 x 5 cm, formal double imbricated to hexangular tired, pure white; 77-98 petals, outer flat and cordate, inner with concave margin, flower with a light-yellow centre. Spent flowers shatter. Leaf: large 11 x 4 cm, lanceolate to elliptic, medium venation on upper side, acuminate apex, serrate and re-curved margin, acute base, light green.  Other data:  'Dança ao Luar' means 'dance in the moonlight'.

» Chinese Description

月光舞 (Camellia reticulata ‘Dança ao Luar)。欧洲登录号182。首次发表于《国际山茶会志》2022年第54期第43页。葡萄牙的罗德里戈·保罗·莱唐在佩纳菲尔山茶花苗圃培育。2004年从云南山茶的机遇实生苗中选育,2010年首次开花。植株:生长习性直立,生长速度中等;2月至4月在葡萄牙盛开。花:中等至大型,花径11.0厘米。花高5.0厘米,覆瓦状完全重瓣型至六角型,纯白色;花瓣77-98片,外花瓣平,心形,内花瓣边缘凹缺,花心淡黄色。花朵凋萎时花瓣散落。叶:中等大小,长6.0厘米,宽2.3厘米,披针形至椭圆形,正面叶脉网状,先端渐尖,边缘锯齿状,叶身波状曲,基部楔形,浅绿色。名称由来:品种名‘Dança ao Luar‘的意思是“在月光下跳舞”。


Flower Size5-11 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month Portugal
