International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Deyou No.3

Deyou No.3

Last Updated:2021/11/2 17:24:13 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2021

Cultivar Type:For Oil

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Deyou No.3'

Chinese Name:德油3号

Japanese Name



» English Description

Deyou No. 3 (C. oleifera) , a new variety authorized by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China in 2021, the variety right number: 20210534, originated by Yuan Deyi of Central South University of Forestry and Technology. Plant 1.5~1.7m high, relatively upright, with a spindle-shaped crown. Leaves flat, broadly ovate, apex acuminate or long tail tip, leaf margins densely serrated,  7.2cm long and 3.6cm wide. Flower white, diameter  6~8cm and 7~9 petals. Flowering period is from early November to early December. Capsule nearly round, with a hemp brown skin, average fruit weight of 36.50 g and pericarp thickness of 2.10mm. The fresh seed yield is 54.77%, the dry seed oil yield is 43.62%, and the fruit ripening period is late October. Its specificity is mainly manifested as the tree shape is relatively straight, the peel is numb and brown, it is not susceptible to anthracnose, the fruit is large and thin, the seed rate is high, and the oil quality is good.

» Chinese Description

德油32021年国家林草局授权的新品种,【品种权号】20210534,【培育人】袁德义,【品种权人】中南林业科技大学。【品种特性】树高1.5~1.7m,株形较直立,树冠纺锤形.叶片平展,宽卵形,先端渐尖或长尾尖,叶缘密生细锯齿,叶长7.2cm,叶宽3.6cm;花单生,白色,花径6~8cm,花瓣7~9枚,花期11月上旬至12月上旬。蒴果,近圆形,果皮麻褐色,平均果重为36.50 g,果皮厚2.10mm。鲜出籽率54.77%,干籽出油率43.62%,果熟期10月下旬。其特异性主要表现为树形较直立,果皮麻褐色,不感炭疽病,果大皮薄,出籽率高,油脂品质好。


Flower Size

Blooming Season China
