Year Published/Registered:2010
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Dianchi Fenyan'
Species/Combination:C. reticulata x C. nitidissima
Chinese Name:滇池粉妍
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Pink Beauty of Dianchi Lake
金粉妍 ’滇池粉妍‘的后出异名。
» English Description
Dianchi Fenyan (C. reticulata x C. nitidissima). China Regn. #2010-071. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2010, No.18, p.46. Flowers Dink, loose peony form, 6-7 cm in diameter; petals 2 2-24, outer petal margins slightly deflexed, inner petals curved and erect, the color of petal5s margin pale; stamens connate at base to form a tube in the center; pistils rudimentary, styles divided into 3-4 to the middle of the length, infertile. Leaves 7-10 cm long and 3.2-4.8 cm wide; veins conspicuous; petioles reddish. Branches slightly pendulous. FI. mid. Jan. to early Mar.
» Chinese Description
滇池粉妍 Camellia ‘Dianchi Fenyan’ 中国登录号:2010-071,《中国花卉园艺》2010年第18期46页。由王仲朗命名,中国科学院昆明植物研究所培育并登录。该品种为种间杂交种 F1 代,母本为云南山茶‘梅红’,父本为金花茶,1987年杂交并采到种子当年播种,1988年6月一年生苗嫁接于红山茶品种‘白雪塔’砧木上,1991年始花。花粉红色,松散牡丹型,花径6~7㎝,花瓣22~24枚,3~4轮,外轮花瓣较平,略向后翻,内轮花瓣较外轮直立,花瓣边缘色浅,雄蕊围成筒状于花心,花柱分3~4裂达中部,花蕾顶生;叶片长椭圆形,长7~10㎝,宽3.2~4.8㎝,先端渐尖,下勾,基部楔形,叶脉明显,叶柄带红色,枝条略下垂;叶似金花茶叶。染色体2n=60。花期1月至3月。识别点:该品种为种间杂交种,母本为云南山茶‘梅红’,父本为金花茶,花蕾顶生,花色粉红,小巧玲珑,叶似金花茶叶,染色体2n=60 。
Flower Form:Peony / Peony
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 6-7 cm
Blooming Season: 1-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Fenyan、Yuanlin Fenyan、Jiuqu fenyan、Fenyan Xianzi、Mingfeng Fenyan、Dianchi Xiuqiu、Dianchi Yudie、Dianchi Zhichun、Dianchi Hongmei、Dianchi Furong