International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Elegans Champagne

Elegans Champagne

Last Updated:2022/8/10 15:57:04 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1977

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Elegans Champagne'

Chinese Name:白天鹅

Japanese Name



Baitian´e  (White Swan),Gao & Zhuang, 1989, The Camellia in China, p.49, No.296, as ‘Bai tian er’: Chinese synonym for Elegans Champagne. Orthographic variant: ‘Baitian´er’.

Baitian´er  Gao & Zhuang, 1989, The Camellia in China, p.49 as ‘Bai tian er’,Different reading for ‘Baintian´e’.

香槟  陈念舟,1986,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.2. No.19.


» English Description

Nuccio’s Nurseries Catalogue, 1977, p.6: Beautiful sport of Ele­gans Splendor. White with cream centre petaloids. Sometimes base of petals showing pink. Early to mid-season blooming. American Camellia Yearbook, 1979, p.105, Reg. No.1526: A large to very large, white with cream centre petaloids, sometimes base of petals showing pink, anemone form C.japonica mutant of Elegans Splendor; originated by Nuccio’s Nurseries, Altadena, California, USA. First observed 1970, size 11.5 cm wide x 5 cm deep with markedly fimbriated leaves and low, spreading growth. This cultivar received the “Sewell Mutant Award” for 1980 and the “William Hertrich Award” for 1982. For colour photos see: p.83, 84, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias and on the front cover, SCCS, 1976, The Camel­lia Review, vol.38, No.2. Chinese synonym: ‘Baitiane’. (White Swan). Note: The use of any latin word form such as “Elegans” for a new cultivar name or part name is barred by the Horticul­tural Code from 1958 and onwards. Latin is reserved for botanical use only. This applies to Ele­gans Splendor, Elegans Supreme and Elegans Supreme Variegated also, as these four sports were all named after 1958, and they are therefore illegal names acording to the code. However as there is total rejection to a name change by all the National Camellia Societies, they are let stand pro tem.

» Chinese Description

香槟Elegans ChampagneC. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第203页,白、大~巨大輪、早~中花,1975年美國發表。

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第83页。美国加利福尼亚州Nuccio’s Nurseries Inc.苗圃培育,系‘赛牡丹’(Elegans Splendor)品种之突变花洁白色,花瓣基部泛奶黄色调甚至绿色调,托桂型,大到巨型花,最大花径可达16cm,外轮花瓣宽大、薄质、皱褶,边缘木耳状,中部小花瓣扭曲,边缘有齿,基部泛黄绿色,有黄色雄蕊间生,花量中等。叶片浓绿色,叶齿深而尖,两边稍内卷,植株开张,矮生,生长旺盛。花期中至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》 p.84. Elegans Champagne 香槟(C. japonica)红山茶。1977,美国加州 AltadenaNuccio 种苗园 。 Elegans Splendor (华丽)的枝变种。初花1970年。半重瓣唐子、白色外瓣、乳白色瓣状蕊、 花瓣基部偶有粉红色、大〜巨大(11.513x56cm)、花期122月、树性横张。Elegans Champagne—蔡福贵,1984,茶花,p.159, No.164. 58.Elegans Champagne (香槟)ー陈念舟,1986,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.2. No.19.Elegans Champagne (白天鹤)一高继银,1998,世界名贵茶花,p.33, No.4.


Flower Size11.5-16 cm

Blooming Season12-2 Month United States
