International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Evangeline Palo

Evangeline Palo

Last Updated:2022/1/30 9:04:42 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2021

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Evangeline Palo'

Chinese Name:伊万杰琳帕洛

Japanese Name

Meaning:personal name


» English Description

Evangeline Palo (C.japonica) Reg. No. 158.  International Camellia Journal 2021, No.53, p.26. Seedling of C.japonica Higo ‘Shin-ōta-haku’ and unknown pollen parent.  Seedling originated in 2013 by Dr. Georg Ziemes, of Düsseldorf, Germany; it first bloomed in 2018.  It is named in honor of a friend and gardening colleague of Dr. Ziemes, who describes Mrs. Palo as a woman with “two green thumbs”.   Introduced by Savioli F.IIi. azienda Florovivaistica nursery in Verbania Pallanza, Italy.  The plant is upright, with rapid growth.  The round-oval flower buds are green with a white tip.  They open over a long season from early to late season, with moderate flower production.  The flowers are a rose-form double, white (RHS Colour Chart: White Group 155 C-D), and 11-12 cm wide.  The spent flowers fall whole.  Leaves are flat, with upper side dark green and under side slightly lighter green, of an average 9 cm in length and 7.5 cm wide.                                                        

» Chinese Description

伊万杰琳帕洛 (C. japonica Evangeline Palo)欧洲茶花登录号:158号。《国际山茶花杂志》 2021年第53期第26页。母本为‘Shin-ōta-haku’ 和父本未知。 2013年由德国杜塞尔多夫 Georg Ziemes博士培育,2018年首次开花。为了纪念 Ziemes 博士的一位朋友兼园艺同事而命名的,她将帕洛夫人描述为一个有两个绿色拇指的女人。由意大利韦尔巴尼亚帕兰萨的花卉苗圃引种繁殖。植株直立,生长迅速。叶片扁平,正面深绿色,背面略浅绿色,平均长9厘米,宽7.5厘米。花蕾绿色带白色尖头,卵圆形。花期长,早花至晚花,花量适中。 花玫瑰形重瓣型,白色(RHS 155 C-D),直径11-12厘米。枯萎的花朵整个脱落。


Flower Size

Blooming Season Germany
