International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Fairy Blush

Fairy Blush

Last Updated:2022/8/11 11:00:19 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryNew Zealand

Year Published/Registered1994

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia 'Fairy Blush'

Chinese Name:漂亮姑娘

Japanese Name



» English Description

New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, 1994, Issue No.118, vol.XVIII, No.5, p.31, Reg. No.341: Originated by M.C. Jury, North Taranaki, New Zealand. A cluster flowering C.lutchuensis seedling that first flowered 1988. Apple blossom coloured, single flowers, 5 cm zcross x 2 cm deep which sit in multiples up the leaf stem with brilliant pink buds. Lightly fragrant, anthers yellow on creamy filaments. Flowers early to late. Growth habit upright, open with rapid growth and small, dark green leaves 3 cm long x 2 cm wide.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》 p.92. Fairy Blush    漂亮姑娘      (C. hybrid)  山茶杂交种 。 1994 , 新西兰 North Taranaki M.C. Jury C. lutchuensis (琉球连蕊茶)自然实生种。初花1988年。单瓣、白色底、宽粉红雾边、迷你(5 x 2cm)、花期12~3月、黄色花药、乳白色花丝、腋生多花、清香、树性直立~横张、长势强。此品种的花苞呈深桃红色,相当具有特色。花名:娇羞的小仙女。Fairy Blush (漂亮姑娘)一茶花林,2006,茶花品种 1554, p.9/28, No.786.


Flower Size5-6 cm

Blooming Season12-3 Month New Zealand
