International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Fengcheng Zhiguang

Fengcheng Zhiguang

Last Updated:2022/8/1 10:23:11 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2019

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sasanqua 'Fengcheng Zhiguang'

Chinese Name:凤城之光

Japanese Name



» English Description

China Camellia Regn No. 2019-288. Published in China Flowers & Horticulture, 2019, No.16, p.57 with a colour photo. This cultivar was bred and registered by Zhu Zhenfu from Hsinchu of Taiwan. It was selected from the seedlings of ‘Shōwa-no-hikari’, bloomed for the first time in 2016. Flower dark pink, gradually darkening to the base of the petals, slightly fragrant, Anemone type to peony type, small flower, flower diameter 6.0~7.0 cm, flower thickness 3cm, large petals 15~20, arranged in 3~4 rounds , Broadly obovate, slightly concave at the apex, with 10 to 15 small petals in the middle, semi-upright, clustered, and densely blooming. Leaves shiny, small elliptical, 6.0-6.5 cm long, 3.0-3.5 cm wide, dense, semi-upright, and edged. Plant erect with dence branches and leaves, vigorous. Flowering period from early December to mid-January of the following year.

» Chinese Description

风城之光 Camellia sasanqua 'Fengcheng Zhiguang' 中国茶花登录号:2019-288。《中国花卉园艺》2019年第1657页。本品种由台湾新竹的朱振福培育并登录,系从日本茶梅品种昭和之光'Shōwa-no-hikari’的实生苗中选育而得,2016年首次开花。花深粉红色,渐向花瓣基部粉色变深,略芳香,托桂型至牡丹型,小型花,花径6.07.0 cm,花朵厚3cm,大花瓣1520枚,呈34轮排列,阔倒卵形,先端略凹,中部小花瓣1015枚,半直立,簇拥,开花稠密。叶片绿色,光亮,革质,小椭圆型,长6.06.5cm,宽3.03.5 cm,稠密,半直立,边缘叶齿尖。植株立性,枝叶稠密,生长旺盛。花期12月上旬至翌年1月中旬。


Flower Size6-7 cm

Blooming Season12-1 Month China
