Year Published/Registered:1984
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Fengguan'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:凤冠
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Shanghai Botanic Gardens List, 1984. No description. Originated in China.
Fengguan. (Camellia japonica) Synonym: Non Originate: Sichuan Characteristics: Plant vigorous, with open canopy, medium branching. Leaves green, obovate, measuring 8.5 cm to 9.5 cm across by 5 cm to 6 cm wide, with apex acuminate, base broad cuneate, flat, serrate shallow and sparse. Sepals open. Flower bright red. Out petals, 12 segments in 2 rows, rounded and slightly reflexed, with heavy texture, with margins irregularly notched, Petaloids imbricated tightly in 2 rows, large petaloids in floral centre, isolated by outer little petaloids, normal petals in one row in centre, petals in two layers obviously, diameter 8 cm to 9 cm, anemone form, medium floral abundance. Flowers February to April, at full bloom in March. Key points of identification: Large petaloids by some stamens in floral centre, isolated by outer little petaloids, petals obviously in layers in flowers.
» Chinese Description
周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.66。树势开张,长势中等,成枝力中等;叶绿色,倒卵形,长8.5cm~9.5cm,宽5cm~6cm,先端急尖,基部宽楔形,叶片平展,叶齿浅、稀;花萼开张,花大红色,外层花瓣2轮12枚,花瓣橢圆形,反卷,质地厚实,瓣缘有不规则缺凹,雄蕊瓣化成2轮,排列紧凑,中心部分雄蕊瓣化成大花瓣,将外轮雄蕊瓣化瓣与花心瓣化瓣隔开(中心瓣化瓣带一轮完整花瓣),呈明显的两层,花径8cm~9cm,托桂型,花量中等,花期2月~4月,盛花期3月。识别特征:花心部分雄蕊瓣化成大花瓣,将外轮雄蕊瓣化瓣与花心瓣化瓣隔开,呈明显的两层原始产地:四川
Flower Form:Anemone / Single
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Red
Flower Size: 8-9 cm
Blooming Season: 2-4 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Chunjiang Fengguang、Tianyuan Fengguang