Floy C.Grand Fréderic
Prudent Besson Catalogue, 1865. Synonym for Floyi.
Floy de Loddiges
Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, p.229. Orthographic variant for ‘Floyi de Loddiges’, synonym for Floyi.
Berlèse, 1838, Annales de la Société d’Horiculture de Paris, 22:230-232: The Camellia ‘Floy’ was introduced into Europe last year (1836) by M. Alex. Verschaffelt of Ghent. This gardener sold it for a very high price to M. Makoy of Liege, who has given it the name ‘Grand-Fréderic’. Orthographic error for Floyi.
Mertens and Fontaine Catalogue, 1845, p.46 under ‘Prattii’. Orthographic error for Floyi.
Floyi de Loddiges
Berlèse, 1840, Monographie ed.2, p.229 as ‘Floy de Loddiges’;Berlèse, 1843, Iconographie, p. facing pl.131: The flower is about 11 cm in diameter, full, deep cherry red to pure carmine, sometimes clear red depending on the season. The exterior petals are in 4-5 rows, alternatively, almost round, broad, notched, reflexed, imbricated symetrically, but a little separated one from the other. Those of the middle, anemone-like, sometimes displaying a level centre like ‘Chandleri’, but forming a conical centre, disposed like an open pine cone. Originated by Floy, New York, USA. Synonym for Floyi.
Floyi de New York
van Houtte Catalogue, 1839, 1:4. Synonym for Floyi.
20 show +
Magazine of Horticulture, 1835, 1(1):17. Orthographic error for Floyi.
Ysabeau, 1848, Journal d'Horticulture Pratique de la Belgique ou Guides des Amateurs et Jardiniers, p.348. Orthographic error for Floyi.
Fred the Great
Vanderbilt, 1940, Camellia Research, p.4. Abbreviation for ‘Frederic the Great’, synonym for Floyi.
Frederic Legiana
Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.83. Orthographic error for ‘Frederic le Grande’, synonym for Floyi.
Frederic the Great
Buist, Robert, 1845, The American Flower Garden Directory, 3rd ed, p.220. Synonym for Floyi.
van Houtte Catalogue, 1839, 1:4. Abbreviation for ‘Frederic the Great’, synonym for Floyi.
Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.83. Abbreviation for ‘Frédéric-le-Grand’. Synonym for Floyi.
Frederick the Great
Hovey, 1838, Magazine of Horticulture, 4:153. Synonym for Floyi.
Jacob Makoy et Cie Catalogue, 1836, p.16; L’Horticulture Belge Journal, vol.3, 1836, p.249. Synonym for Floyi.
Frederico il Grande
Giocomelli Catalogue, 1847. Orthographic variant for ‘Frédéric-le-Grand’, synonym for Floyi.
Gran Federico
Medici Spada, 1857, Catalogo nel Giardino a Villa Quiete, p.11. Synonym for Floyi.
Gran Federigo
Ridolfi, 1843, Catalogue of Camellias Cultivated at Bibbiani. Ridolfi, Florence Catalogue, 1848, p.7. Orthographic variant for ‘Gran Federico’, synonym for Floyi.
Gran Frederic
Burdin Maggiore & Co. Catalogue, 1845-1846, p.42. Synonym for Floyi.
Grand Frederic
Cels, Paris Nursery Catalogue, 1836-1837, p.9;Berlèse, 1838, L’Horticulture Belge Journal, vol.5, p.151, 152. Synonym for Floyi.
Grand Frederique
Giles & Son Nursery Catalogue, 1881, p.91. Synonym for Floyi.
Grande Federico
Fratelli Rovelli Catalogue, 1852, p.19. Orthographic variant for ‘Grand Frederic’, synonym for Floyi.
Le Grand Frédéric
Berlèse, 1845, Monographie. Synonym for Floyi.
Mr Floy's
Magazine of Botany & Gardening, 1837, 3:153. Synonym for Floyi.
Prince Frederick
Warren’s Descriptive Catalogue, 1844, p.37. This is probably meant to be ‘Grand Frederic’ because the only ‘Prince Frederick’ of 1844 was the 5 year old son of Frederick William IV, Emperor of Prussia. It was also given as a synonym of Floyi.