International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars GLS Ganzhouyou 11

GLS Ganzhouyou 11

Last Updated:2021/11/17 10:14:25 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2003

Cultivar Type:For Oil

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'GLS Ganzhouyou 11 '

Chinese Name:GLS赣州油11号

Japanese Name



Ganzhouyou 11  China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.234.

赣州油11号  中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.234。

丰607  品种培育暂定名称


» English Description

Ganzhouyou 11Camellia oleifera. China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.234. Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, 2008, editor in chief by Chen Yonzhong, p.109. Bred by Jiangxi Academy of Forestry in 1998, passed the identification in 2003 by Jiangxi Academy of Forestry registration, and listed as national excellent cultivar, the Certification Number: Gan S-SC-CO-017-2003. Crow rotund. Leaves elliptic, apex acuminate, margins serrate or crenate, 4.0-6.0 cm long, 2.3-3.4 cm wide, glabrous. Flowering usually in late October to late December, white, diameter 5.0-7.2 cm, petals 5-7, obcordate. Fruit mature in mid to late October, spherical, reddish green, diameter 30-40 mm, 16-25 among of fruit weighted 500g, loci 2-4. Average 46%-51% seed weight in each fresh fruit, 28.53% seed weight in dry fruit. The average rate of oil reached 56.82% from the kernel, 37%-42% from dry seed, 11.24% from fresh fruit. Average oil yield 678.45 kg/hm2. Strong resistance and adaptability.

» Chinese Description

GLS赣州油11陈永忠主编,2008年,《油茶优良种质资源》第 109 页。【培育单位】江西省赣州市林科所,【选育年份】1998,【审定年份】2003,【良种号】S-SC-CO-017-2003由江西省赣州市林科所于1998年选育出来的优良无性系。2003年通过江西省林木良种审定,审定号为:赣S-SC-CO-017-2003。树冠自然圆头形;叶椭圆形,先端渐尖,边缘有细锯齿或钝齿,长4.06.0cm,宽2.33.4cm,叶面光滑;湖南通常于10月底至12月下旬开花,花白色,直径5.07.0cm,花瓣倒心形,57瓣;果实成熟期10月中下旬,果球形、卵形或橘形,青红色,果径3040mm,每500g果数1625个,心室24个,鲜出籽率46%51%,干出籽率28.53%;种仁含油率56.82%;干籽含油率37%42%。鲜果含油率11.24%。产油量为678.45kg/hm2。抗性与适应性强。

赣州油11 Camellia oleifera Ganzhouyou 11. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.234。【俗名】丰607【审定编号】赣S-SC-CO-017-2003【品种类别】无性系【选育地(区试点)】田间试验在赣州市林业科学研究所沙石油茶试验区进行。区域试验分别在赣州市的章贡区、赣县、南康、安远、上犹、崇义、宁都、兴国、龙南、石城、信丰等10余个县(市、区)【选育单位】赣州市林业科学研究所【选育年份】1964-1991【典型识别特征】树冠开张,圆球形。嫩叶绿色,叶近圆形。花期11月。果球橘形,果皮红色,面光滑,皮薄。


Flower Size

Blooming Season China
