Year Published/Registered:2016
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Gao Caiyun'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:高彩云
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Colorful Cloud
彩云 高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》,p547
» English Description
A chance seedling No.1 from C. japonica cultivar ‘Bill Quattlebaum’. Flowers light pink white, fading to white at the centre, single form, medium. Leaves green, margins sharply serrate. Plant compact, upright and growth vigorous. Blooms from late-autumn to the spring of following year. As the name 'Caiyun' had been used in a cultivar of Camellia reticulata, this is a dulicate name, then change the name to 'Gao Caiyun'.
» Chinese Description
高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》, p.547. 红山茶品种‘夸特’的机遇实生苗No.1。花朵淡粉白色,渐向花芯变白色,单瓣型,中型花,花径8.5~9.7cm,花瓣6~7枚,近圆形,长4.7cm,宽4.5cm,薄质,边缘皱褶,雄蕊基部连生,花丝白色,花药褐黄色。叶片绿色,椭圆形,长8.1cm,宽4.0cm,边缘齿尖。植株紧凑,立性,生长旺盛。秋末至翌年春季开花。
Flower Form:Single / Saucer-shape
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8.5-9.7 cm
Blooming Season: 1-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Caiyun、Xinsonghua (Gao)、Gao Jiyin、Xiyingchun (Gao)