Year Published/Registered:2023
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia ‘Gudian’
Species/Combination:C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica 'lmperial Splendour'
Chinese Name:古殿
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Ancient Temple
Gudian Gudian (C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica 'lmperial Splendour'). Liu Xinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that Bloom Year-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.461.
» English Description
Gudian (C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica 'lmperial Splendour'). Liu Xinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that Bloom Year-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.461. HB-24-1., a cross seedling (BDGZH-No.1) of C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica 'lmperial Splendour'. Flowers deep red to dark red, central small petals light red, semi-double to peony form, large size, 10.5-12.5cm across with 20-25 exterior large petals arranged in 4-5 rows, petals broad obovate, thick texture, turned outward or wavy, apices nearly round, when just opening, a ball appears at the center, stamens clustered or slightly united at the base. Leaves green, thick leathery, broad elliptic, midribs and lateral veins sunken, margins finely and densely serrate. Plant spread, branches and leaves dense and growth vigorous. Blooms in spring. The cultivar name means “Ancient Temple”.
» Chinese Description
古殿 Camellia ‘Gudian’ 。刘信凯、钟乃盛、柯欢、武艳芳主编,2023,《第二部四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》,浙江科学技术出版社,第461页。 HB-24-1.杂交组合:越南抱垄茶x红山茶品种‘帝国之辉’,杂交苗编号:BDGZH-No.1。花朵深红色至黑红色,花芯处小花瓣淡红色,半重瓣型至牡丹型,大型花,花径10.5-12.5cm,外部大花瓣20-25枚,呈4-5轮排列,阔倒卵形,厚质,外翻或波浪状,先端近圆,刚开放时,花芯呈球状,雄蕊簇生或基部略连生。叶片绿色,厚革质,阔椭圆形,长13.5-15.5cm,宽6.0-8.0cm,中脉和侧脉凹陷,叶齿细密。植株开张,枝叶稠密,生长旺盛。春季开花。
Flower Form:Peony / Peony
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Deep red
Flower Size: 10.5-12.5 cm
Blooming Season: 3-4 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Guding Zhenyang No.15、Guding Zhenlang Bayou No.2、Guding Zhenlang Bayou No.5、Guding Zhenlang Bayou No.6、Guding Zhenlong Wangyou No.3、Guding Zhenlong Wangyou No.4、Guding Zhenlong Wangyou No.6、Guding Zhenlong Wangyou No.19、Guding Zhenyang You No.33、Guding Zhenlong Wangyou No.2