International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars In the Pink

In the Pink

Last Updated:2022/8/15 8:58:32 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1971

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'In the Pink'

Chinese Name:红粉佳人

Japanese Name



Fenmeigui  Gao, Jiyin, 1992, The Observations from the Camellia World, No.47, p.59. Chinese synonym for for the USA C.japonica In The Pink.

红粉佳人  陈念舟,1986,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.1.No.4.


» English Description

Kramer Nursery Catalogue,1971: Rose-pink formal double. American Camel­lia Yearbook, 1979, p.107, Reg. No.1541: A medium size, rose-pink formal to rose form double chance seedling C.japonica that flowers mid-season to late. Originated by Kramer Bros. Nurs­ery, Upland. California, USA. See colour photo facing p.20, American Camellia Yearbook, 1978 and facing p.101, 1974 yearbook, also p.95, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias and front cover SCCS, 1974, The Camellia Review, vol.35, No.6. Sports: In the Pink Variegated, In the Red.

» Chinese Description

红粉佳人In the pinkC. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第213页,粉红、完全重瓣、大轮、中~晚花,1971 年美國發表。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.133.

In The Pink红粉佳人(C. japonica)红山茶。1971,美国加州Upland,Kramer兄弟种苗园。自然实生种。完全玫瑰形、玫瑰粉、中轮(9~10cm)、花期1~3月,树性直立、浓密、长势强。突变种:In The Pink VariegatedIn The Red

In The Pink—蔡福贵,1984,茶花,p.161, No.185.

In The Pink (红粉佳人)ー陈念舟,1986,杜鹃谷花园目录,p.1.No.4.


Flower Size9-10 cm

Blooming Season1-3 Month United States
