International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Jean le Bihan

Jean le Bihan

Last Updated:2021/10/8 2:56:13 By:Yves CHAPEL

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2019

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Jean le Bihan'

Chinese Name:让比昂

Japanese Name



Souvenir de Jean la Bihan  ACS Journal, Mars-May 2012


» English Description

Jean le Bihan (C.japonica) European Reg. No. 141.  Chance seedling first established in 1986, with first blooming in 1996.  Grown and named by Fañch Le Moal, of Park ar Brug, Plouisy, Brittany, France.   Its name honors the French camellia collector who wrote the first book in France on camellias, “Pas de Jardin sans Camellia” (“No Garden without Camellias”) in 1966.  The plant has an upright habit, with a medium growth rate; blooming is early to mid-season.  Buds are oval and green.  The medium-sized flat semi-double blooms, with an average of 20 petals per flower,  are light purplish pink (RHS red-purple group 62C); the occasional petaloids are the same color as the petals.  Blooms fall whole when spent.  Stamens are arranced in separate beams; anthers are yellow, and filaments are white.  Leaves are medium-sized, medium green and elliptical and slightly twisted.  Fruit development is sparse.


Flower Size

Blooming Season France
