Year Published/Registered:2020
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia chekiangoleosa 'Jinyun Youzhu No.16'
Species/Combination:C. chekiangoleosa
Chinese Name:缙云优株16号
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Yao Xiaohua and Ren Huadong eds. 2020. Oil-tea Camellia Genetic Resource in China. p.1206.【Resource number】331122-102-0016;Wild resources (special individual plant);Oil cultivation, genetic breeding materials. Originated in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province.【PLANT】upright. Young shoots without hairs. Leaf buds yellow-green, without tomentose hairs.【LEAF】young leave green,old leaves medium green,oval in shape. Leaf margins flat,Leaf apex acuminate,Leaf base nearly round,9.54 cm long and 4.02cm wide.【FLOWER】Sepals have hairs,petal in red color,the pistil shorter than the stamen,stigma lobed 0. Ovaries without pubescent.【FRUIT】surface smooth,oblate,Teal in color;average weight 63.48g;Ratio of fresh seeds 23.87%;Testa color brownness;Kernel oil content 53.4%.【FATTY ACID CONTENT】Oleic acid 85.49%,Linoleic acid 4.18%,Linolenic acid 0.19%.,Stearic acid 2.12%,Palmitic acid 7.35%. Full blooming season Early to mid Mar;Fruit harvest season Late August to early September.
» Chinese Description
姚小华、任华东主编,2020年《中国油茶遗传资源》第1206页。【资源编号】331122-102-0016;野生资源(特异单株);油用栽培,遗传育种材料。产于浙江省缙云县。【植株】树姿直立.嫩枝无绒毛. 叶芽黄绿色.无绒毛.【叶】嫩叶绿色,老叶中绿色,椭圆形. 叶缘平,先端渐尖,基部近圆形,长9.54厘米,宽4.02厘米。【花】萼片有绒毛,花瓣红色,雄蕊比雌蕊高,柱头浅裂. 0裂. 子房无绒毛。【果】表面光滑,扁圆球形,青色;平均单果重63.48克;鲜出籽率23.87%;种皮褐色;种仁含油率53.4%。【脂肪酸含量】油酸85.49%,亚油酸4.18%,亚麻酸0.19%.,硬脂酸2.12%,棕榈酸7.35%。盛花期3月上中旬;果熟期8月下旬至9月初。