International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Jupiter (Paul)

Jupiter (Paul)

Last Updated:2022/6/13 14:42:06 By:wangzhonglang


CountryUnited Kingdom

Year Published/Registered1904

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Jupiter (Paul)'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Juno  Geo. Jackman & Son, 1954-1955, Planter's Handbook, No,16, p.18: A large, single red, whose central boss of stamens is shaped like a shaving brush. Hillier Catalogue, 1956-1957. A large, single, red with a large central boss of stamens like a brush. This is the Flora & Sylva, 1904, Jupiter, renamed, as it was invalid due to a different cultivar having previously been listed as Jupiter by both Berlèse and Verschaffelt in 1849 and van Houtte in 1843. In England in paricular, 'Juno' and 'Jupiter' are used as altemative names for the same cultivar. Synonym for Jupiter (Paul).

Paul's Jupiter  Waterhouse, 1960, ACRS., Camellia Annual, No.7, p.16. Synonym for Jupiter (Paul).


» English Description

Paul, 1904, Flora & Sylva as 'Jupiter'. with illustration. Hillier & Sons Nurs­ery Camellia List, No.7, 1957-1958, p.15: Large size, single flowers, with broad, overlapping petals; geranium-lake with darker veins. A vigorous, erect grower. Previous to 1903 this name ('Jupiter') was used for a double variety. Puddle & Hanger, 1960, RHS., The Rhododendron and Camellia Yearbook, No.14, pp.150,151 as 'Jupiter': Single of 8-9 petals, 4.5 cm long, wide and broadly obovate, some emarginate, colour carmine rose 621; size 8.5-9 cm across with a promi­nent central cylinder of stamens with white filaments. Foliage glossy, dark green, ovate-elliptic or elliptic, margins shallowly, sharply serrate, apex short acuminate, 5.5-6 cm wide x 9 cm long on a compact, upright plant. A first class single red variety, free flowering, fairly frost resistant, with good foliage. Sets seed freely. It has been confused with other single red varieties and is represented on the Continent by an inferior form. It gained an Award of Merit in 1953 from the RHS, when shown erroneously as 'Apollo'. Pseudonyms: 'Juno', 'Apollo', ' Jupiter'. Synonym: 'Paul's Jupiter'. This cultivar was awarded  as an AGM (Award of Garden Merit) plant by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993 at H5 rate (hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C).


Flower Size

Blooming Season United Kingdom
