International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Laura de la Rubia

Laura de la Rubia

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang

Type Image

Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2014

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia 'Laura de la Rubia'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



» English Description

C. Salinero, P. Vela, A. Barros, 2014. Publicación de la Asociación Española de la Camelia (issue 25, p.48, 2014) with photos and detailed description, edited by the Spanish Camellia Society. Originated by Manuela Couso, Cuntis Pontevedra, Spain. FLOWER semi-double, 10 cm (height), 5.5 cm (width), deep pink (57 A-B RHS colour chart), homogeneous, Petals: variously notched and lightly undulated; Stamens: 25 to 50, dispersed. Yellow, Filaments: light yellow, Petaloids deep pink (57 A-B RHS colour chart), with white stripes. LEAF Size: 12 -14 cm long and 4 - 5 cm wide, medium green, dull elliptical-lanceolate, Margin: serrate, Apex: acuminate, Base: acute. PLANT Habit upright and medium growing rate, Blooming period Mid-season to late, from February to April. Short period but very floriferous. Flower fall as a whole. It was obtained from seed of Camellia reticulata ln 2007, that first bloomed in 2010.


Flower Size

Blooming Season Spain
