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Home Cultivars Lingyun Baimao Cha

Lingyun Baimao Cha

Last Updated:2020/2/3 20:30:27 By:Chen Liang



Year Published/Registered1960

Cultivar Type:For Tea

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Lingyun Baimao Cha'

Chinese Name:凌云白毛茶

Japanese Name



GSCT26  Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.52-53.

华茶26号  农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》52-53页。

凌乐白毛茶  农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》52-53页。

凌云白毫茶  杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》271页。

Lingyun Baihaocha  杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》271页。


» English Description

Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.52-53. GSCT26 (Lingyun Baimao Cha)

         Alternate name: Lingle Baimaocha. Jat variety. Small arbor type. Large-leaf size. Medium sprouting.

         Or;ginated in the Lirxgyun and Luye counties of Gnangxi autonomous region. It is distributed in the various counties of Baise region (Guangxi autonomous region). It was introduced and cultivated in a large area in the southern part of Guangxi autonomous region (Heng county and Longzhou county) and the northern part of Guilin since 1960’s.

         Plant high, the maximum height reached 9 m. Erect in shape with rather sparse branching. Leaves horizontal or drooping. Length 11.0-13.5 cm, w;dth 4.4~-5.2 cm, Oblong in shape and acuminate or acute pointed tips. The surface of leaves strongly proturding. Grey-green in color, less glossy. Thin and soft in texture. Waved margin as well as sharp and dense serrations. 8-14 pairs of vein. Shoots stout witk sparse sprouting density and potent tenderness, keeping abijity. Yellow-green or light green in color with profuse hairs. The sprouting period in the spring season in Guangxi appears in the middle of February. The peak period of shoots with one bud and three leaves stage appears in the third ten days of February. The weight of 100 one bud and three leaves shoots averaged 99 g. The beginning period of flowering stage appears in November, and the peak period appears in the last ten days of November to the middle of December. With less amounts of flowers and bearing percentage. Flowers small. Setal with profuse hairs. The mature fruits green in color. The hereditary abil:ty of material parents is rather significant during the propagation with seeds. The resistance tc frost and drought Js rather weak.

         Moderate yielding. The yield of made tea in an area of 247.3 mu tea garden in the Baihao Tea Plantation of Lingyun county, Guangxi autonomous region, averaged 91 ~100 kg per mu (hiring the period of 1930-1983. Among these, 3.5 mu tea garden averaged 188 kg per mu.

         According to the analysis conducted by Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, tee contents of caffeine in the baked Baihaocha, averaged 4.91%amine acids 3 .36%tea polyphenols 35.6% and total catechins 182.92 mg/g. The broken black tea prepared with GSCT26 variety as the raw material is characterized by its strong and brisk taste, reddish and bright liquor and turns to pink color after adding the milk, fragrant fresh and lasting aroma with special flower scent. The baked BaJmao green tea prepared with GSCT26 variety as the raw material is characterized by its full and strong taste with sweet backtasting, the leaves is shaped as a silvery needle and covered with white fine hairs, with chestnut aroma as well as green olive color infused leaf. The jasmine tea prepared with this variety has a superb quality with special characteristic.

         Suitable to popularize in the tea region in the southern part and southwest part of China for the manufacture of black tea and green tea.

         Suitable to cultivate in the locations with warm weather, less temperature difference, high humidity, short sunshine, deep soil layer and rich in organic matter. It is recommended to plant the optimum amounts of shade tree under the conditions of large area cultivation, and pay the attention on the purity of seedlings. Owing to the low adaptability in the seedling stage, it is necessary to use the larger seedlings for transplanting, so to minimize the vacancy. Besides, segmental format-pruning is recommended, so to promote the branching and widen the canopy.

» Chinese Description

农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》52-53页。杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》271页,为凌云白毫茶。

华茶26(GSCT26)  凌云白毛茶   原名凌乐白毛茶,有性繁殖系品种。小乔木型,大叶类,中芽种。   

原产广西壮族自治区的凌云和乐业等县,主要分布在广西百色地区各县, 60年代以来,桂南横县、龙州和桂北桂林市已大面积引种栽培。   

植株高大,最高达9m,树姿直立,分枝较稀,叶片呈水平状或下垂着生。 叶片长11.0~13.5cm,宽4.4~5.2cm,叶形椭圆,叶尖渐尖或骤尖,叶面强 隆起,叶色灰绿少光辉,叶片薄软,叶缘波状,叶齿细密,叶脉8~14对,芽叶 肥壮,黄绿或绿色,茸毛特多,持嫩性强,发芽密度稀。春芽萌发期在广西为 2月中旬,一芽三叶盛期在2月下旬,一芽三叶的百芽重平均为99g。始花期 11月,盛花期11月下旬至12月中旬,.开花结实均较少,花小,萼片多毛,成 熟茶果绿色。种子繁殖时,母性遗传能力较强。抗寒、抗旱性较弱。   

产量中等,广西凌云白毫茶场247.3亩茶园在1980~1983年平均亩产干 91~100kg,其中3.5亩平均亩产干茶188kg   据中国农业科学院茶叶研究所对烘青白毫茶分析,含咖啡碱4.91%,氨基 3.36势,茶多酚35.6%,儿茶素总量182.92mg/g。制红碎茶,汤色红艳, 加牛奶后呈粉红色,滋味浓强、鲜爽,香高鲜持久,且有特殊花香。制烘青白 毛茶,满披白毫,形似银针,滋味浓醇,回味甘甜,有板栗香,叶底青橄榄色。 近年用白毛茶窨制高级茉莉花茶,别具风格。   适宜在华南和西南部分(红茶、绿茶)茶区推广。  

宜栽培在气候温和,温差小,湿度大,日照短,土层深厚,有机质丰富的 生态条件下。大面积栽培,最好在茶园中种植适量的遮荫树。引种时注意种苗 纯度。苗期适应性较差,应大苗移栽,可防止缺株。宜进行分段定型修剪,以 促进分枝,扩大树冠。


Flower Size

Blooming Season China
