International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Nick Carter

Nick Carter

Last Updated:2022/8/22 11:16:34 By:wangzhonglang


CountryNew Zealand

Year Published/Registered1992

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Nick Carter'

Chinese Name:尼克卡特

Japanese Name



Nicky Carter  ACS 1992, The Camellia Journal, vol.47, No.4, p.13. Valdosta Camellia Scion List. Orthographic error for Nick Carter.

Nike Kate  Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification....Outstanding Camellias, p.410; Chinese synonym for the New Zealand C.japonica Nick Carter.

尼克卡特  新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.32, N8.

丽人小唐子  茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.18/28, No.353.


» English Description

New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, 1992, vol.XVII, No.5, p.37, Reg. No.319: Originated by T. Lennard, Te Puke, New Zealand. An 8 year old seedling that first bloomed 1989. A seedling of ‘Fuyajo’ (Kon-wabisuke) with spreading open growth of medium rate and dark green leaves 8 cm long x 4 cm wide. The flower is dark red (RHS.CC.45A) anemone form 8 cm across x 3.5 cm deep with 22 petals and 68 petaloids. Petaloids are usually a mixture of red and white. It blooms early to late. Orthographic error ‘Nicky Carter’. Chinese synonym ‘Nike Kate’.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第166页。新西兰T.Lennard先生培育,系由一种佗助茶(Wabisuke)的实生苗所得。花黑红色,泛蜡光,半重瓣型至托桂型,中到大型花,外部花瓣宽大,外翻,排列有序,花心有金黄色雄蕊,花丝粉红色,偶有小花瓣混生,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,椭圆形,光亮,植株开张,生长旺盛。花期早至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.196.

Nick Carter 尼克卡特(C. japonica)红山茶。1992,新西兰Te PukeT. LennardKon-wabisuke (绀佗介)自然实生种。8年实生苗、初花1989年。半重瓣~唐子形、暗红色、中轮(8~9 x 3.5~5cm)、花瓣约22枚、花期12~3月、树性横张、长势中等。

Nick Carter (尼克卡特)一新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.32, N8.

Nick Carter (丽人小唐子)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.18/28, No.353.


Flower Size8-9 cm

Blooming Season12-3 Month New Zealand
