Year Published/Registered:1830
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Pearl'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
Paerl Longone Catalogue, 1846. Orthographic error for Pearl.
Pearle L.L. Liebig, 1839, Verzeichnis von Warmen und Kalten Hauspflanzen..., p.10. Orthographic variant for Pearl.
» English Description
Anon, 1830, "Ueber die Cultur der Kamellien" in Der Blumen Gaertner, p.53. No description. Burdin Catalogue, 1834, p.19. No description. Société de Flore Catalogue, 1838, p.18. No description. Charles van Geert, 1850, Catalogue, No.117, p.12: Peony form, white washed with lilac. The Flora Magazine (1861), Vol.1, Plt.23: "It forms a compact-growing evergreen shrub, with dark glossy foliage, and fine clear-white flowers produced freely on young plants. The flowers are of moderate size, double, with broad, circular, beautifully imbricated petals, of a good white, and remarkable for their substance ; they are produced abundantly, and have a very handsome appearance from the decided contrast between their own hue and that of the background of foliage". Orthographic variant ‘Pearle’. Originated in Belgium.
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Belgium
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Amy Pearson、Bill Pearce、Early Pearly、Fletcher Pearson Crown、Pearl's Pet、Pearle Cooper、Pearly Cascade、Pearly Gates、Pearly Shells、Pearsoniana