International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Wuliang Yanhong

Wuliang Yanhong

Last Updated:2023/9/21 16:34:30 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2017

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia reticulata ‘Wuliang Yanhong’

Chinese Name:无量嫣红

Japanese Name



» English Description

Wuliang Yanhong (C. reticulata). China Regn. #2017-223. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2017, No.22, p.58. It was cultivated and registered by Lan Chengxin fromJingdong County, Yunnan Province. A seedling of 'Ailaohong'  in 2008, first flowered in 2015. Flower red, rose double, diameter 9~11.5 cm, petals 30~33 in 4~5 rounds, petals inverted ovate, wavy edges, concave at the apex, large outer petals, inner petaloils were from stamens, leaving a few stamens in the center of the flower, the pistils are degenerate. The leaves are oval, 8~10.5 cm long, 3.5~5.1 cm wide, tapering to the tip of the tail, wedge-shaped at the base, the leaf surface veins are obvious, and the leaf margin is finely serrated. Flowering period January ~ February.

» Chinese Description

无量嫣红Camellia reticulata ‘Wuliang Yanhong’ 中国登录号:2017-223,《中国花卉园艺》2017年第2258页。由��南省景东县大街乡昆岗村的兰成新培育并登录。该品种为云南山茶品种哀牢红种子实生苗中选育,2008年播种,2015年开花,花红色,玫瑰重瓣型,花径911.5厘米,花瓣3033枚,45轮着生,花瓣倒卵形,边缘波状,先端凹缺,外轮花瓣大,内轮花瓣由雄蕊瓣化而成,并具瓣化痕迹,残留少数雄蕊于花心,雌蕊退化,不结实。叶椭圆形,长810.5厘米,宽3.55.1厘米,先端渐尖至尾尖,基部楔形,叶面叶脉明显,叶缘锯齿细。花期1月~2月。


Flower Size9-11.5 cm

Blooming Season1-2 Month China
