Timeline of the International Camellia Register
1958-1962 |
Dr. Ralph Philbrick prepares an International Checklist of Camellias at the Bailey Hortorum of Cornell University, USA, funded by a substantial grant from the Longwood Garden Foundation. He is assisted by an Advisory Panel of leading researchers from around the world. This Panel recommends and instigates the formation of the ICS. |
1962 |
Formation of the International Camellia Society (ICS). International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants recognises the ICS as Custodians of the Genus. This is announced in the first ICS Journal. Dr. Ralph Philbrick appointed the first International Camellia Registrar. |
1963 |
Checklist has reached 14,000 entries. Plans announced to issue immediately |
1964-1978 |
Dr. Philbrick moves to other employment. Retains Checklist but can do little work on it. No publication achieved. |
1979 |
Dr. Thomas Savige, Chairman of Advisory Panel, appointed International Registrar. |
1981-1984 |
Philbrick records sent to Australia in 24 large cartons |
1983-1984 |
Savige publishes articles on the difficulties encountered with translation and transliteration of oriental cultivars. Entries now total 22,960. Name is still The International Checklist. |
1985-1988 |
First reference to the International Camellia Register. Transcribing and rewriting begins on a Tandy Word Processor. Savige adds room to house to accommodate flood of data, and filing systems. |
1989 |
Announcement that the Register is ready for publication. Printing bids sought worldwide by Eric Craig, who will oversee the printing and distribution. Printed in Singapore. |
1992 |
Register printed and distributed. Finance covered by pre-subscriptions, and loans from ICS Directors. |
1993 |
Register found to be defective – 16 pages missing. Reprinted at no cost to the Society. Savige commences a Supplement for corrections and new information. |
1995 |
Malcolm Perry appointed Assistant Registrar to assist Savige by entering the Supplement contents on a new computer. |
1997 |
Supplement published. Resignation of Savige. Perry appointed as Registrar. |
1999 |
Death of Thomas Savige. ICS accepts Perry’s recommendation to publish a Second Supplement to include information up to 2010. |
2000 |
Found that the digital record of the Register cannot be transferred to the more recently bought computer. Perry scans the Register with a primitive form of Optical Character Recognition, which turns out to require considerable corrections. |
2002-2005 |
Neville Haydon corrects the OCR version of the Register, then adds the corrections and new entries of the First Supplement, and commences the Second Supplement. |
2005-2008 |
Perry resigns due to demands of a new business. Lorraine Fraser appointed Registrar, but personal circumstances force resignation before adding to the Register. |
2008 |
ICS decides to place the entire Register on its Website, available free of charge. Work carried out by Prof. Gianmario Motta, University of Pavia, Italy, and his graduate students. |
2008-2011 |
Neville Haydon appointed Registrar, and completes the Second Supplement. Printing and distribution in England. Web Register was online, but only including Accepted names (those entries in bold in the printed Register) |
2015- |
Resignation of Neville Haydon at the end of this year. Prof. Zhonglang Wang appointed Registrar |
2019 |
The Database of International Camellia Register was on-line (https://camellia.iflora.cn/), led by Zhonglang Wang with an international Team, including more than 45,000 camellia names and 33,000 photos. Death of Neville Haydon in May 2019. |
2021 |
The previous Web Register and the Database of International Camellia Register merged! The pictures of the the previous web register have been migrated and uploaded in the Database of International Camellia Register. |
2022 |
Totally 51,298 cultivar names were recorded in the DICR, including 26,059 valid and accepted cultivars (Excluding 3,941 cultivars which was believed extinct, a total of 22,118 cultivar names are still in present use), and 25,239 other synonym names. Totally 61,200 Photos or Images had been uploaded to the DICR by many contributors throughout the world. In March 2022 the DICR was awarded Gold Medal in the 13th China Camellia Expo. In January 2023, the DICR was selected as one of the top 10 achievements in scientific data work of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2022. |