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Home News New Paper: Phylotranscriptomic analyses reveal deep gene tree discordance in Camellia (Theaceae)

New Paper: Phylotranscriptomic analyses reveal deep gene tree discordance in Camellia (Theaceae)

14 September 2023  907 By: wangzhonglang

A new paper "Phylotranscriptomic analyses reveal deep gene tree discordance in Camellia (Theaceae) " was recently published by Dr. Qiong Zhang et al. from Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 188 (2023) 107912, for detail information, please visit:


  • None of the currently proposed sections from Camellia was monophyletic.
  • Gene tree discordance is prevalent in the backbone of Camellia.
  • Rapid diversification might be one of the possible causes of gene tree discordance of Camellia.
  • Selective pressure analysis indicated that integrating all orthologous genes provided improved phylogenetic resolution of the species tree of Camellia.


Gene tree discordance is a significant legacy of biological evolution. Multiple factors can result in incongruence among genes, such as introgression, incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), gene duplication or loss. Resolving the background of gene tree discordance is a critical way to uncover the process of species diversification. Camellia, the largest genus in Theaceae, has controversial taxonomy and systematics due in part to a complex evolutionary history. We used 60 transcriptomes of 55 species, which represented 15 sections of Camellia to investigate its phylogeny and the possible causes of gene tree discordance. We conducted gene tree discordance analysis based on 1,617 orthologous low-copy nuclear genes, primarily using coalescent species trees and polytomy tests to distinguish hard and soft conflict. A selective pressure analysis was also performed to assess the impact of selection on phylogenetic topology reconstruction. Our results detected different levels of gene tree discordance in the backbone of Camellia, and recovered rapid diversification as one of the possible causes of gene tree discordance. Furthermore, we confirmed that none of the currently proposed sections of Camellia was monophyletic. Comparisons among datasets partitioned under different selective pressure regimes showed that integrating all orthologous genes provided the best phylogenetic resolution of the species tree of Camellia. The findings of this study reveal rapid diversification as a major source of gene tree discordance in Camellia and will facilitate future investigation of reticulate relationships at the species level in this important plant genus.

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