Based on the data of International Camellia Register, we had developed Mdcit Camellia Dictionary. Please visit and download then install to your iphone, android phone or Windows PC (XP, 7, 8, 10, 11). This is an off-line dictionary, very easy to use and powerful. This dictionary will be updated at least twice a year. If you have any question on using, downloading, or installing to your phone or computer, please send your question to
Download Camellia, or download CamelliaDictionary.mdx and CamelliaDictionary.css respetively (last updated: 2024.12.24, downloads: 38173).
This is an offline Camellia Dictionary using Mdict as platform. On how to install and use Mdict in PC, android phone or iPhone, please visit the official website of Mdict in English ( or in Chinese (