Camellia japonica, Subgenus
Camellia, Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Lucidissima Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni,
monogr. ser. 1: 79. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew
(1984). Camellias, p.107: Camellia japonica L., Sp. Pl. 2:698. 1753. [Synonym]Thea
camellia Hoffm., Verz. Pflz., 117. 1824. \Thea japonica (L.) Baill, Hist.
Pl. 4:229. 1873. \Thea hozanensis Hay., Icon. Pl. Formos. 7: 2. 1918. \Camellia
hozanensis (Hay.) Hay., Icon. Pl. Formos. 8: 11. 1919. \Camellia
japonica var. hozanensis (Hay.) Yamamoto, Sylvia 5: 35. 1934. \For
additional synonyms see Sealy, Rev. Gen. Camellia, 175. 1958.
Camellia japonica ssp. japonica var. japonica,
Subgenus Camellia,
Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Lucidissima Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr.
ser. 1: 79. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias,
p.107: Camellia japonica L. ssp. japonica var. japonica [Description] Leaves elliptic, 7-10 cm long; lateral veins 6-8 pairs,
often slightly raised. Perules 9-10; petals 6-7 in wild form, light pink, cultivated
forms with many petals, red or white; filaments in a short tube, ovaries
glabrous. Capsules 3-locular, 3-4 cm in diameter. The Chinese specimens from
Sichuan, Shandong and Jiangxi listed above are wildspecies; they have single
petals and perfectly formed filament tubes and stamens.
Camellia japonica ssp. japonica var. macrocarpa,
Subgenus Camellia,
Sect. Camellia, Subsect. Lucidissima Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr.
ser. 1: 79. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias,
p.108: Camellia japonica ssp. japonica var. macrocarpa Masamune, Trans. Nat. Hist.
Soc. Formosa 23: 205. 1933. [Description] Leaves relatively small, 5.5-7. 8 cm long, 2-3. 5 cm wide. Capsule 5-7 cm
in diameter, pericarp 1.5-2 cm thick. [Synonym]Camellia japonica var. spontanea Masamune, Prelim. Rep. Veg. Yakusima, 96. 1929. \Camellia
hayaoi Yanajida, Journ. Jap. Forest. Soc. 15: 132. 1933.
Camellia japonica ssp. rusticana, Subgenus Camellia, Sect.
Camellia, Subsect. Lucidissima Chang, Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, monogr.
ser. 1: 79. 1981. Chang Hung-ta and Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias,
p.108: Camellia japonica ssp. rusticana (Honda) Kitamura,Acta
Phytotax. et Geobot. Kyoto 14: 61. 1950. [Description] This subspecies is pubescent and the petioles are
relatively short, flower perules rela-tively short, petals connate and
relatively tiny, stamens relatively short. [Distribution] Japan. [Synonym] Camellia rusticana Honda, Biosphaera 1: 97. 1947.
Gao Jiyin, Clifford R. Parks, Du Yueqiang, 2005, Collected Species of the Genus Camellia an Illustrated Outline,p.43-44.
Distribution:From Taiwan province of China northward through the Riu Kiu Islands to the three main Japanese islands of Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu and adjacent small islands. It also occurs in southern Korea, islands between Japan and China, and on the coast of eastern China; Elevation: 0-1,000 m; Specific locality: Oshima (Island), Tokyo Prefecture, Japan or Zhujiajian, island and puto island, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, China.
Botanical Characteristics:Flowers are pink to red, rarely white, 5.0-8.0 cm in diameter, borne at the tips of shoots and in leaf axils; bud set may be abundant. Perules 8-10, gradually deciduous, silky tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Petals 5-8,4.0-6.0 cm long, 2.5-5.0 cm wide, broadly obovate to oval-oblong in shape, rounded to variable cleft at the tip, fused with the stami-nal column 7-18 mm from the base. Androecium glabrous, 2.5-3.5 cm long, outer layer of stamens fused from the base into a cup 1.5-2.4 cm long, approximately 75-100 stamens. Gynoecium 2.0-4.0 cm long, 3-5 glabrous styles, fused to varying degrees from nearly free to fused except at the tip, ovary glabrous. Blooming season: early fall to late spring.Capsules variously ovoid to globose in shape, 2.0-4.0 cm long, 2.0-3.5 cm in diameter, glabrous, 3-5 locules, pericarp wall 2-6 mm in thickness.Leaves broadly elliptic to elliptic oblong, tip shortly acuminate, base broadly cuneate to rounded, 5.0-10.5 cm long, 2,5-6.0 cm wide, margin serrulate, upper surface smooth with raised midvein, glabrous, lower surface smooth with raised midvein, glabrous, cork-warts. Petiole 7-15 mm long, glabrous. Shrub or small tree up to 12 m tall, young shoots glabrous, older branches smooth, pale gray in color.
红山茶Camellia japonica Linn. Sp. Pl 2:698:1753.
张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第82页。【标本】四川:峨眉山,杨光辉53859;同地,四川大学s.n.;广东植物所269346
(以 上2个标本是野生的。)山东:崂山,焦启源2855 (野生)。江西:黎川,会仙峰,王名金2154 (野生)。广东:广州,张宏达6021;McClure 20846(均栽培)。广西:桂林,McClure
20608 (栽培)。福建:唐瑞荣s. n.中山大学标本号134714
(栽培)。日本:琉球,Nagomaclii Ins. Okinawa,T.Kanashiro s.n.中山大学标本号113169。【形态特征】叶椭圆形,长7-10厘米,侧脉6-8对,常稍突起,苞被片9-10片,野生种花瓣6-7片,浅红色,栽培种多重瓣,红色或白色,花丝有短管,子房无毛。蒴果3室,直径3-4厘米。上列四川及江西的标本均为野生种;具有单列的花瓣和完善的花丝管的雄蕊。
短柄红山茶subsp. rusticana (Honda) Kitamura in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. Kyoto, 14:61.1950; Sealy, Rev. Gen. Camellia 179. 1958. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第82页。【标本】,产日本。【形态特征】这个亚种具有被毛而较短的叶柄,花的苞被片较短,花瓣连生较轻微,雄蕊亦较短。
曰本红山茶var.macrocarpa Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 23:
205. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第82页。【标本】曰本:Hondo,Prov. Sagami,Kamakura,K. Hisauti s.n.,中山大学标本号95114。【形态特征】这个变种具有较小的叶片,长5.5-7.8厘米,宽2-3.5厘米,以及5-7厘米宽的蒴果,果皮厚1.5-2厘米。
高继银、帕克斯、杜跃强,2005. 《山茶属植物主要原种彩色图集》浙江科学技术出版社,第43-44页。花粉红色至红色,少有白色,花径5.0〜8.0厘米,顶生或腋生,花芽多。鳞片8〜10枚,逐渐脱落,外面被绢毛,里面无毛。花瓣5〜8枚,长4.0-6.0厘米,宽2_5〜5.0厘米,阔倒卵形至长圆卵形,先端凹缺多变,基部与雄蕊柱连生7〜18毫米。雄蕊无毛,长2.5〜3.5厘米,外轮花丝基部连生形成1.5~2.4厘米长管状,雄蕊数约75~100 枚。雌蕊长2.0〜4.0厘米,花柱3〜5个,先端浅裂或深裂,无毛,子房无毛。花期秋初至春末。蒴果卵球形至球形,长2.0〜4.0厘米,直径 2.0〜3.5厘米,无毛,3~5室,果皮厚2~6毫米。叶阔椭圆形至椭圆状长圆形,先端短渐尖,基部阔楔形至圆形,长5.◦〜10.5厘米,宽2.5~6.0 厘米,边缘具齿,叶面光滑,中脉凸起,无毛,叶 背中脉突起,无毛,有木栓瘤。叶柄长7〜15毫米。灌木或小乔木,高可达12米,嫩枝无毛,老枝光滑,淡灰色。分布:中国台湾省北部至琉球群岛、日本的琉球、四 国和本州及其相邻的岛屿;在韩国、曰本与中国之间的一些 岛屿以及中国东部沿海地区也有分布,海拔0-1000米。 可寻地点:日本东京县Oshima岛或者中国浙江省舟山市沈 家门朱家尖岛和普陀岛。