Camellia lanceolata, Subgenus Thea, Sect.
Calpandria, Chang Hung-ta and
Bruce Bartholomew (1984). Camellias, p.136:
Camellia lanceolata(B1.)Seem., Trans. Linn. Soc.
22: 345. 1859. [Description] Branchlets
pubescent. Back of leaves pubescent. Petals 4-9, filaments completelyconnate
into a long tube; ovaries pubescent, 3-1ocular. [Distribution] Indonesia, Northern Borneo, Philippines and adjacent
islands. [Synonym] Calpandria
lanceolata Bl., Bijdr. Fl. Nederl. Inde.
1: 178. 1825. \Calpandria quiscosaura Korth, Kruidk., 149. 1839-1842. \Salceda
montana Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 2, 374. 1845. \Pyrenaria camelliaeflora
Vidal, Sin. Fam. y Gen. Pl. Len. Filip. Altas, 14, t. 13, fig. D. 1883, non
Kurz\Camellia minahassae Koord., Fl. N. O. Celebes in Meded. 's Land Pl.
Buitenz. 19:350, 643. 1898. \For additional synonyms see Sealy, Rev. Gen. Camellia,
142. 1958.
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管蕊茶Camellia lanceolata (Bl.) Seem, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 22: 345,1859. 张宏达,1981. 《山茶属植物的系统研究》第108页。【标本】菲律宾:吕宋,F. Alambra s. n.菲律宾林业局28076;同地,M. D. Sulit s.n.,菲律宾林业局31080; Tayabas,M.Oro s.n. 菲律宾林业局31056。西里伯斯:Gowa Lembaja,
Boschbouwproefstation Buitenzorg 20888。分布:印度尼西亚,北婆罗洲,菲律宾及附近岛屿。【形态特征】嫩枝有毛,叶背亦有毛,花瓣4-9,花丝全部连合成长管,子房有毛,3室。