Right-click at the album 'ALL', you can Open, Add, Rename or Delete subfolder.
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Upload to Album:
Fig. 1 right-click on album
“Right click your mouse” then you could see the following menus, then you could see the options of Open, Add, Rename, or Delete the Screenshot in Fig. 1 below:
Open: every time you want to open the Album, please Click Open.
Add: under All, you can add more folders and sub-folders, for better look up or manage your photos in different folders. You might use Garden Name to put in all photos taken in the garden to that folder, or you might use Species name as folder’s name. (such as in Fig. 2).
Rename: Folders’ name could change name by Rename.
Delete: You can delete a folder if you want to delete from the website and database. You are fully online control yourselves for all your photos.
Fig. 2 wangzhonglang’s Albums in DICR photo upload page
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