International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Clintonia


Last Updated:2023/4/15 9:42:56 By:Armando de Castro Oliveira



Year Published/Registered1829

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Clintonia'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Claintonia  Cels, Paris, Nursery Catalogue, 1839, p.28. Orthographic error for Clintonia.

Clintonia Vera  Berlèse, 1945, Monographie, ed.3, p.206. Synonym for Clintonia.

Clintoniae  Jacob Makoy’s Catalogue, 1833. Orthographic variant for Clintonia.

Clintoniae de Knight  Jacob Makoy Catalogue, 1838. Synonym for Clintonia.

Clintoniae Nova de Knight  Jacob Makoy Catalogue, 1836, p.15. Synonym for Clintonia.

4 show +


» English Description

Revue Horticole,1829,Vol.1,p.452-453. Anonymous, 1831, Annales de la Société d’Horticulture de Paris, 8:50, 51: Presented by Floy of the New York Horticultural Society, Dec.21.1829, named in honor of ex-Governor Clinton, from seeds of the ‘Warratah’ (Anemoniflora) fertilised by double Variegata; seeds produced in 1822 and flowered 1826. Berlèse, 1837, Monographie, ed.1, p.83: The flower has a single row of exterior petals which are stiff, thick, very broad, a dark cherry red; the centre of the flower is composed of narrow petals, striped white and rose, sometimes stamens and rudi­ments of pistils are seen. Michael Floy & Sons Catalogue, 1832: Scarlet and white striped waratah camellia. Synonyms: ‘Cruenta’, ‘Clintonia Vera’, ‘Clintoniae de Knight’, ‘Clintoniae Nove de Knight’, ‘Crueta de Knight’, ‘Cruenta Nova’, ‘Cruenta Nova de Knight’. Orthographic variants:’Clintonii’,’Clintoniae’,’Claintonia’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season France
