Year Published/Registered:1879
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Corinna Ambron'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
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Japanese Name:
» English Description
Bulletino della R. Società Toscana de Orticultura, 1879, Anno IV, Nº3, p.69: The associate Cavaliere Cesare Franchetti, through his Gardener Baragli, shows the Conference the following valuable varieties of Camellias grown in his Garden: 2 Grafts of the beautiful and new seed variety called Eugenia Parlatore. – Sofia Roncaglia, variety from Virginia Franco. – Bella di Quarto. – Marianna Gaeta obtained in Florence by Advogado member G. Gaeta. – Virginia Marini, variety of Madame Verschaffelt. – Principessa Strozzi, Elvira Bianchini's variety. – Marquise of Lajatico. – Goffredo Odero. – General Pescetto. – Duchess of the Balzo. – Corinna Ambron (the last five of whom she received from Cav. Francherri). - Baronessa de Tschudy, variety of Erminia Magnani. – Rachel Rossi. – Maria Fantoni, Giuseppe Biasi's variety, and a cut flower of the seed variety called Margherita di Savaoia. Originated in Italy. (Believed extinct.)
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
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Blooming Season: Italy
Flower Fragrance:
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