Country:United Kingdom
Year Published/Registered:1828
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Dahliiflora'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
Alba Monstruosa
Colla, 1843, Camelliografia, p.97. Synonym for Dahliiflora.
Harrison ed., 1835, Floricultural Cabinet, p.186. Orthographic error for Dahliiflora.
Berlèse, 1841, Iconographie, pl.26. Orthographic error for Dahliiflora.
Dahliaeflora Heterophylla
Trillon, 1845, Catalogue, p.4. Synonym for Dahliiflora.
Redouté et al., 1828, Annales Société Horticulture de Paris. Orthographic error for Dahliiflora.
Buist, 1854, American Gardeners’ Dictionary, ed.6, p.212. Orthographic error for Dahliiflora.
4 show +
Dartington Hall Garden Catalogue, 1966, p.2. Orthographic error for Dahliiflora.
Heterophylla Rubra
Arnaud Catalogue, 1839-1849 as ‘Heterophilla Rubra’. Synonym for Dahliiflora.
Sweet, 1830, Hortus Britannicus, ed.2, p.74. Synonym for Dahliiflora. Heterophylla was also used for the species Camellia heterophylla Hu (1937) which has since been reduced to a synonym for C.reticulata by Chang Hung Ta. (1984).
» English Description
Redouté et al.,1828, Annales Société Horticulture de Paris, 2:281-287 erroneously as ‘Dahliaeflora’. It was also listed in the Floricultural Cabinet, vol.III, 1835, p.186 as a “British hybrid with pale or light red flowers.” Berlèse in the three editions of his Monographie, 1837, 1840 and 1845, had the cultivar as being originated in England by Knight and described it as: Leaves deformed, some elliptical, a little obtuse, others lanceolate, acute, narrow, undulate, wrinkled, irregular, sabre or scythe form, of a greyish green; buds, pointed, scales green; flower semi-double, depressed, 6.8 cm across, rose-pink. The variation in its foliage gave it the synonym ‘Heterophylla’ or ‘various leaved’. The name ‘Dahliaeflora’ has been invalidly applied to two other cultivars; an Italian one originated by Casoretti, which is properly known as Ignescens and an American one raised by Seavey in California. Synonym: ‘Dahlaeiflora Heterophylla’. Orthographic errors: ‘Dahliaeflora’, ‘Dahlieflora’, ‘Dahlaeflora’, ‘Dahleaeflora’.