Year Published/Registered:1839
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Henri Favre'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
Favre Henry
Baumann, Mulhouse Nursery Catalogue, 1841-1842, p.14. Orthographic variant for Henri Favre.
Henre Faure
Jose Maria Serra, Establecimiento de Horticultura Catalogue, 1855, p.67. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henri de Favre
Journal d’Horticultura Pratique Belge, 1844, vol.2, No.2. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henri Faber
Loddiges Catalogue, 1849, p.34. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henri Fabre
Seidel, 1846, Pflanzen Catalog, p.8. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henri Fabvre
de Jonghe, 1851, Traité de la Culture du Camellia, Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
6 show +
Henri la Favre
Halliday, 1880, Camellia Culture, p.103. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henry Fabe
Seidel, 1870, Pflanzen Catalog, p.8. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
Henry Fabre
Escuela de Agricultura de Pontevedra, 1882, Catalogo, p.27. Orthographic variant for Henri Favre.
Henry Favre
Berlèse, 1841, Iconographie, pl.98. Orthographic variant for Henri Favre.
Henry la Favre
Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.100. Orthographic error for Henri Favre.
» English Description
Buist, 1839, Camellias, p.8; Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, p.125: This Camellia has oval-lanceolate leaves with acuminate apices, 13 cm x 6 cm, deep green, thick, deeply, regularly serrated. The flowers, 10 cm across, are full ranunculata form, of a salmon rose tinged bright pink, with long, numerous, lightly veined petals, regularly imbricated, concave on opening, becoming flat and reflexed. See colour plates Berlèse, 1841, Iconographie, pl.98; Verschaffelt, 1848, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book VIII, pl.IV. The camellia was obtained from seed by Mr Favre, Nantes, France, who gave it his own name. In 1839, Mr Cachet, horticulturalist at Angers, purchased the entire stock. It bloomed for the first time in 1840 according to Verschaffelt, however Berlèse described the flower in 1840 and it probably first flowered in 1839 when Cachet purchased the variety. Orthographic errors: ‘Henri de Favre’, ‘Henri Fabre’, ‘Henri Faber’, ‘Henri Fabvre’, ‘Henri la Favre’, ‘Henry Favre’, ‘Henry la Favre’, ‘Henry Fabre’, ‘Henri Faure’. Synonyms: ‘John Laing’, ‘John Lang’.