International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Huashuo


Last Updated:2021/11/17 16:08:03 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2009

Cultivar Type:For Oil

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Huashuo'

Chinese Name:华硕

Japanese Name



国S-SC-CO-011-2009  2009年通过国家良种审定的良种证号。


» English Description

Huashuo (C. oleifera) originated by Central South University of Forestry and Technology in 2009.  Located in Xianling Village, Majiahe Town, Zhuzhou. National Registered No. S-SC-CO-011-2009.  Bark yellowish brown and smooth. Leaves broadly ovate, dark green in color, flat, apex lanceolate, margin serrate, 6.14 cm long, 3.34 cm wide and 0.048cm thick. Flowering season from late October to mid-December. Capsule 5-lobed, greenish-red,average diameter of the fresh fruit 4.468 cm x 5.573 cm. average weight 68.75g, the maximum 99.20g, pericarp 0.529 cm thick, and 4 carpels with12-18 seeds.  Fruit matures in late October. The average yield per plant during the peak period is 10.5kg, the yield per mu is 1165.50kg, the seed yield of fresh fruit is 42.36%, the seed weight is 250.00g, and the yield of oil per mu is 72.26kg. The tree grows vigorously, the tree is strong, the tree posture is half open, and the crown is round. After regional trials in Chaling, Shaoyang, Huaihua and other places in Hunan Province for several years, it has shown stable high-yield performance, high yield and strong resistance.  HuashuoCamellia oleifera. China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.312.

» Chinese Description

华硕 Camellia oleifera 'Huashuo'主要完成单位为中南林业科技大学。湖南省林业厅组织有关专家于2009年10月20日至21日对位于株洲马家河镇仙岭村的试验林进行了现场查定和产量测试鉴定。2009年12月通过国家林业局林木品种审定委员会审定,良种编号为国S-SC-CO-011-2009。试验林地处株洲马家河丘陵山地,位于北纬28°6′3″,东经111°56′30″,面积205亩,土层厚度70~80cm。造林密度株行距2m×3m,亩栽111株。‘华硕’,属霜降籽类型。树皮黄褐色,光滑。树叶宽卵形,叶色墨绿,叶片平展,叶尖渐尖,叶缘锯齿。叶片平均长度61.37mm,平均宽度33.39mm,平均厚度0.48mm。花期10月下旬至12月中旬。果实为蒴果,果皮多为5裂,青红色,鲜果平均纵径44.68mm,平均横径55.73mm,平均单果重68.75g,最大单果重99.20g,果皮平均厚度5.29mm,心皮4个,种籽数12~18粒。果实扁园形,10月下旬果实成熟,盛产期单株平均产量10.5kg,亩产1165.50kg,鲜果出籽率42.36%,种子百粒重250.00g,折换产油亩产达72.26kg。树体生长旺盛,树势强,树姿半开张,树冠圆头形。经在湖南茶陵、邵阳、怀化等地区域试验和连续几年观察,表现出丰产性能稳定,产量高,抗性强。测试结果表明:‘华硕’品种特征突出,果个大,丰产性强,抗病性强。

华硕 Camellia oleifera Huashuo. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.312。【审定编号】国S-SC-CO-011-2009【品种类别】优株【选育单位】中南林业科技大学【选育年份】2009【典型识别特征】树冠自然圆头形且较密。叶尖渐尖。果实扁圆形,黄棕色。


Flower Size

Blooming Season China

