Year Published/Registered:2014
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Tō-suiren'
Species/Combination:C. amplexicaulis hybrid
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:桃睡蓮 とうすいれん
Tousuiren 2021. New Camellias and their Breeders,vol.1, p.88-91, different transcription of Japanese characters.
» English Description
Tō-suiren (C. amplexicaulis). Japan Camellia 101, May 2014, p.5 with colour photo; JCR Regn No.2014-8, (ser. No.21); A selection from seedlings of C. amplexicaulis ‘Hi Duong’, pollen parent an unknown C.japonica. Pink, semidouble, with several separated layers of long, narrow, channelled petals. Diameter 14-16cm. Leaves elliptic. A 9 year old seedling, first floered in 2011. Originated by Kimihide Hashimura from Nara. ICS Journal 2014, p.160, colour photo as’Tōsui-ren’. Japanese Camellia Society, 2021. New Camellias and their Breeders,vol.1, p.88-91 as ‘Tousuiren’.
» Japanese Description
桃睡蓮, とうすいれん. Camellia amplexicaulis 'Tō-suiren' 日本ツバキ協会,2021. 《椿の新花と達人たち---登録新花写真集》第1巻88-91页. 新花21号. 橋村公英登録。
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Japan
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Tō-akane、Tō-nishiki、Tō-ōfu、Ōgon-no-tō、Ōtani-tō-tsubaki、Tō-nishiki (Aichi)、Kitadani-no-tō-tsubaki、Tō-akane (Kaoru Hagiya)