Country:United Kingdom
Year Published/Registered:1830
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Venusta'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Anon, 1830, "Ueber die Cultur der Kamellien" in Der Blumen Gaertner, p.54. Burdin Chambery Nursery Catalogue, 1834, p.19. No description. Harrison, ed., 1837, Cels, Paris Nursery Catalogue, 1836-1837, p.10. No description. The Floricultural Cabinet, p.267: Cunningham’s double dark red, large and fine. Originated in England. Berlèse, 1837, Monographie, ed.1, p.116: ‘Gray Venus’, ‘Gray’, ‘Eclipse’, ‘Splendida’, ‘Venusta’, ‘Punctata Plena’. All of these camellias are sub-varieties which so resemble each other it would be better to put them all under ‘Punctata Plena’. Berlèse is confusing the ‘Venusta’ which is the synonym for Rosa Mundi and this comment does not apply to Cunningham’s Venusta.