International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Yixing


Last Updated:2020/2/4 10:08:16 By:Chen Liang



Year Published/Registered1975

Cultivar Type:For Tea

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Yixing'

Chinese Name:宜兴种

Japanese Name



华茶30号  农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》60-61页。

小叶种  农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》60-61页。

GSCT30  Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.60-61.


» English Description

Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.60-61.

         Frutex type. Medium-leaf size. Medium sprouting.

         Originated in the Yixing county of Jiangsu province. It is widely distributed in the counties located in the southern part of Jiangsu province.

         Plant rather small, with denser branching density. Semi-opened type. Leaves horizontal or inclined upwards. Length 10.8%11.7 cm, width 4.3~4.8 cm. Oblong in shape and slightly protruding on the surface, Loaves flat or curved backwards. With acuminate or bluntly pointed tips. Neat margin and shallow serrations. Green or light green in color. The sprouting period in the spring season is generally appears m the middle to the third ten days of March. Shoots smaller. The peak period of shoots with one bud and three leaves stage* appears in the third ten days of April. With high sprouting density. Green or light green in color. With less hairs. The weight of 100 one bud and three leaves shoots averaged 33.0 g. The peak period of flowering stage appears in the middle of October. With high bearing percentage. High resistance to frost injury and wide adaptability.

         Rather high-yielding. In an area of 1470 mu tea garden in the Yangxian Tea Plantation (Yixing county, Jiangsu province), the yield of made tea averaged 144.5 ~153.5 kg per mu in 1975~1979. The yield of made tea in 1980 averaged 157.5 kg per mu.

         According to the analysis conducted by the Wuxi Tea Variety Research Institute (Jiangsu province), jhe contents of caffeine in the one bud and two leaves shoots in spring or summer season averaged 3.74%, amino acids 2.91%, tea polyphenols 29.11% and total catechins 177.68 mg/g. Suitable to manufacture the green tea and showed superb quality.

         Suitable to popularize in the tea region in the south-of-Yangzte River and nor-th-of-Yangzte River for the manufacture of green tea.

         It is mainly propagated by the seeds, either by sowing directly or by transplanting the seedlings. It is recommended to conduct the light pruning on the canopy surface of productive tea plants in the interval of 2-3 years.

» Chinese Description

农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 《中国茶树优良品种集》60-61页。杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》271页。


植株较低矮,分枝较密,树姿半开张。叶片呈水平或上斜状着生。叶片长 10.8~11.7cm,叶宽4.3~4.Scm,叶形椭圆,叶面微隆起,叶身平展或略背 卷。叶尖渐尖或钝尖,叶缘平,叶齿浅,叶色绿或深绿。春芽萌发期一般在3 月中、下旬,一芽三叶盛期*4月下旬;发芽密度大,芽叶较小,绿色或黄绿 色,少茸毛,一芽三叶百芽重平均33.0g,盛花期在10月中旬,绪实率高,抗 寒性强,适应性广。   

该品种产量较高,江苏省宜兴阳羡茶场1975~19791470亩,平均亩产 干茶,144.5~153.5kg. 1980年平轉亩产干茶157.5kg。据江苏无锡市茶叶品种研究所分析,春、夏季一芽二叶鲜叶平均含咖啡碱 3.74%,氨基酸2.91%,茶多酚29.11%,儿茶素总量177.68mg,/g。适制绿茶,品质较优。   




Flower Size

Blooming Season China