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Home/ Cultivars/ Yupu Xinxiu

Yupu Xinxiu

Last Updated:2023/4/13 11:22:00 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2023

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia ‘Yupu Xinxiu’

Chinese Name:玉浦新秀

Japanese Name

Meaning:Tama-no-ura’s New Rookie


» English Description

Yupu Xinxiu (C. japonica 'Tama Peacock' × C. azalea). Liu Xinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that Bloom Year-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.202. HA-81-7., a cross seedling (KQYPD-No.14) of C. japonica 'Tama Peacock' × C. azalea. Flowers light red with wider white borders, or with obvious thin red stripes at the middle of petal surfaces, single form, medium to large size, 9.0-10.5cm across with 6-7 petals, petals broad obovate, stamens united into a column at the base, flowers fall whole. Leaves dark green, leathery, elliptic, cuneate at the base, margins obtusely serrate. Plants spread and growth vigorous. Starts to bloom from early-autumn, fully blooms in winter and sporadically in spring. The cultivar name means “Tama-no-ura’s New Rookie”.

» Chinese Description

玉浦新秀 Camellia Yupu Xinxiu’ 。刘信凯、钟乃盛、柯欢、武艳芳主编,2023,《第二部四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》,浙江科学技术出版社,第202页。 HA-81-7.杂交组合:红山茶品种孔雀玉浦’×杜鹃红山茶,杂交苗编号:KQYPD-No.14花朵淡红色,花瓣边缘具较宽的白边,或者花瓣中部具明显的细红条纹,单瓣型,中型至大型花,花径9.0-10.5cm,花瓣6-7枚,阔倒卵形,雄蕊基部连生,呈柱状,花朵整朵掉落。叶片浓绿色,叶背


Flower Size

Blooming Season

