Conservation Status:
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia andrefrancisii Orel & Curry Camellia-Work In Progress: 110-118 Accepted Name
» Description
Camellia andrefrancisii Orel & Curry. First published in Camellia-Work In Progress: 110-118 (2019). TYPE: China. Guang Dong Prov.;unnamed mountain range, 12 June 1995, G. Richards 8102-OCRG (holotype, NSW).
Flowers: bracts 7-9, in 2or 3 opposite rows, bracts glabrous and distally increasing in size; sepals 4-5, perule-like only larger, firm and leathery; petaloids 3, light to mid-yellow; petals 8, unevenly distributed in 4 whorls, light to mid-yellow, soft and pliable; filaments, outer basally fused for 1.0-1.1 cm, free parts 0.8-1.1 cm long, less than 1.0 mm wide, inner filaments free to the base, 2.0-2.1 cm long; styles 3, free to the base, 1.0-2.0 cm long; ovary rotund, light-yellow, 4.0-5.0 mm long, 2.0-3.0 (-3.5) mm wide; mature fruit asymmetrically oblate, 3-lobate, 3.5-4.0 cm diam., 2.5 cm from pole to pole; seed glabrous, smooth, mid-brown, laterally compressed.
Phenology. The new species was collected in
late June; the main flowering period is late June to early August.
Distribution and habitat. C. andrefrancisii
Orel & Curry is known from the type location which is situated in the Guang
Dong Prov, PR China. C. andrefrancisii Orel & Curry forms a part of dense
under-story vegetation of the sub-tropical rainforest. It tolerates poor, damp soils
and low light conditions. The species’ precise
provenance details are withheld for conservation reasons.
IUCN Red List category. A few adult trees
were located in the area around the type locality. No detailed, wider search
was undertaken. Given this situation, we consider the IUCN category of Data
Deficient (DD) to be appropriate (IUCN 2018).
Etymology. The specific epithet commemorates Mr Andre Francis Curry, the late son of Mr A. and Mrs J. Curry, who was interested in the plant species of his local area and the yellow flowering Camellia species. He was also a supporter of our work.
» Distribution
» Description
花:苞片 7-9,对生 2 或 3 排,苞片无毛,上部增大;萼片 4-5,仅大一些呈小珠状,坚硬革质;花瓣 3,浅至中黄色;花瓣 8,不均匀分布成 4 轮,浅至中黄色,柔软柔韧;花丝,外侧基部愈合 1.0-1.1 厘米,离生部分长 0.8-1.1 厘米,宽小于 1.0 毫米,内侧花丝离生至基部,长 2.0-2.1 厘米;花柱 3,离生至基部,长 2.0-2.1 厘米。 0-1.1厘米,离生部分长0.8-1.1厘米,宽小于1.0毫米,内花丝离生至基部,长2.0-2.1厘米;花柱3,离生至基部,长1.0-2.0厘米;子房圆形,浅黄色,长4.0-5.0毫米,宽2.0-3.0(-3.5)毫米;成熟果实不对称扁球形,3裂,直径3.5-4.0厘米、 种子无毛,光滑,中褐色,侧面压扁。
» Distribution
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