Conservation Status: Endangered
Remarks:This name is accepted
Camellia annamensis N.S.Lý, V.D.Luong, N.D.Do, T.H.Lê & Thi L.Nguyen Taiwania 67: 244 (2022) Accepted Name [PDF]
Chè trung bộ Taiwania 67: 244 (2022) Vietnamese Name
» Description
Camellia annamensis N.S.Lý, V.D.Luong, N.D.Do, T.H.Lê & Thi L.Nguyen in Taiwania 67: 244 (2022)
The species was discovered by Luong Van Dung, Nguyen Thi Lieu, Do Cong Thuan, Tran Ninh, Chiyomi Uematsu and Hironori Katayama in December 2016 in Yen Nhan commune, Thuong Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province (Xuan Lien Nature Reserve). The authors Do Ngoc Dai, Ly Ngoc Sam, Le Thi Huong, Nguyen Danh Hung also discovered the species in 2019 in Dong Van commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province. In 2022, the authors Ly Ngoc Sam, Luong Van Dung, Le Thi Huong, Do Ngoc Dai, Tran Ninh, Nguyen Anh Duc, Nguyen Thi Lieu, Chiyomi Uematsu and Hironori Katayama published in the Taiwania No. 67 under the scientific name Camellia annamensis. The Vietnamese name means Central Camellia, which has only been recorded in the world to be distributed in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An of Vietnam.
Type: VIETNAM. Nghệ An Province: Quế Phong District, Đồng Văn Commune, Pù Hoạt NR, 240 m elev.,15 January 2019, Đỗ Ngọc Đài, Lý Ngọc Sâm, Lê Thị Hương, Nguyễn Danh Hùng, DLHH-1028 (holotype VNM!; isotypes P!, DLU!).
Description: Small to
medium evergreen shrub 3‒5 m tall, sometime multi-stemmed, semi-upright habit, sparsely
branched, branches slender; young branches
(twigs) light brown, smooth, hirsute then
glabrous, obliquely upward then flexuous; semi-mature
branches cinnamon brown, smooth, leaf scars
prominent; mature branches
and trunk light grey to dull grey-white, with longitudinally
fissured bark/slightly furrowed. Leaf buds
pale greenish then turning pale brown, puberulous, slightly
falcate with sharp, slightly curved apex; young
leaves soft and pendulous, pale purple to
greenish-purple tinted; mature leaves elliptic
to broad elliptic, 15‒20.5 × 5‒9 cm, apex attenuate or narrowly acuminate, base
acute to partially obtuse and slightly asymmetric, margin shallowly and widely
denticulate; laminae coriaceous,
adaxially dark green, shiny and glabrous, abaxially dull and pale green with
sparsely appressed puberulous; petiole curved
and concave, slightly flattened, thick, light green both sides, 10‒15 × 2‒2.5
mm, sparsely appressed puberulous; primary
veins [partially obstructed by laminae abaxially] continues as a shallow
channel on the adaxial side of the petiole, 1.5–1.7 mm wide proximally, less
than 1 mm wide distally, adaxially light green, abaxially yellowish-green;
secondary venations pinnate, with 10‒13 pairs of veins, indistinctly
brochidodromous, partially eucamptodromous on some leaves; midribs and lateral
veins sunken above, protruding below; veins distinct proximally but less so
towards the apex and the margins; tertiary venation loose, inconspicuous craspedodromous,
more prominent at leaf margins. Flowers solitary
or geminate (2(‒3) flowers), born on short shoot in the axils of the leaves,
4.5‒6 cm in diameter, flowers pedicellate, nodding; pedicels
0.7‒1 cm long, 0.3‒0.4 cm wide, wider distally, glabrous, pale
greenishcream [pale yellowish]; flower buds slightly
curved downward, somewhat circular/globe, ca. 1.4 × 1.5 cm, bright red. Bractlets
3‒4, broad triangular to semiorbicular, 1.5‒2.5 × 2‒3 mm,
glabrous, margins ciliate, persistent. Sepals 5,
persistent, semi-orbicular, 4‒8 × 6‒ 10 mm, abaxially pale yellow tinged
reddish and sparsely appressed velutinous, adaxially pale yellow and glabrous, margins
entire/ciliate, arranged in 2 whorls forming a rather loose spiral, outer whorl
of 2 sepals and inner whorl of 3 sepals. Petals 20‒22,
arranged in 3 whorls, bright red, shiny, with a distinct and intense white
margin 1.5–2 mm wide; outermost whorl comprising 7–8 petals, semiorbicular,
1.5–2.4 × 1.2–1.8 cm, concave, margins entire, sometimes ruffled, abaxially
velutinous at tips; middle whorl comprising 11 petals, broadly obovate, 2.7–3.7
× 2–2.5 cm, concave, margins ruffled, abaxially pubescent at tips or glabrous;
innermost whorl of 2–3 petals, elliptic, 3.3–3.5 × 1.3–2.2 cm, glabrous,
ruffes, basally united with outermost filaments for 5–10 mm. Androecium
ca. 350 stamens, arranged in 4 or 5 series, light yellow, 2.4‒ 3
cm long, glabrous; outer filaments basally united to each other for 1.5–1.8 cm
long and forming a cup, inner ones basally united for 4–7 mm long; anthers
yellow, narrowly ovate, 2.5–3 × ca. 1 mm, with two longitudinal striations,
dorsifixed. Ovaries superior,
flattened-globose, terminating into 4 or 5 styles, strongly 4‒5-lobed, yellow, tomentose,
4‒5-carpellate, 2.5‒3 × 3‒3.5 mm, 1‒2 ovules per locule. Styles
4 or 5, free to the base, 1.8‒2.3 cm long, 0.5–0.7 mm wide at
base, ca. 0.5 mm at apex, yellow, tomentose, persistent; stigma
indistinct. Mature Capsules
flattened-globose, with persistent sepals and styles, 4‒5 irregularly
lobed, 4‒5.5 cm in diam., 2‒2.3 cm high, dehiscing distally into 4‒5 valves
with 1‒2 seeds per valve; fresh pericarps 3‒4
mm thick, furfuraceous and sparsely white hairs. Seeds spherical,
hemispherical or wedgeshaped, 1.6–1.8 × 1.2–1.5 cm, brown, pubescent.
Distribution and ecology:
This new species is found from two localities in the provinces of
Nghệ An and Thanh Hóa in central Vietnam where it grows along the sides of the
stream, wet ground or on hill slopes in mixed tropical
secondary evergreen broad-leaved forests in Pù Hoạt NR at elevations of 260–600 m and Xuân Liên NR at an elevation of
around 500 m. The two localities are distanced about 30 km.
According to Ly et al. (2022), C. annamensis was placed under sect.Piquetia. This species is most similar to C. longii Orel & Luu in the characters of general vegetative habit and the shape and color of sepals, petals, and stamens. It is easily distinguishable from C. longii by its mature leaves sparsely appressed puberulous abaxially, petioles sparsely appressed puberulous (vs. glabrous), sepals 5 (vs. 2–3), and petals 20‒22 (vs. 5‒6). Camellia annamensis is also similar to C. dalatensis, C. sonthaiensis, and C. proensis but is easily distinguished from them by having red flowers (vs. light-yellow flowers in the other three species).
» Distribution
VIETNAM: Nghệ An province and Thanh Hóa province
» Description
越南中部山茶 Camellia annamensis。与长叶山茶(Camellia longii)最为相似,但不同之处在于其成熟叶片背面稀疏贴伏微柔毛,叶缘具浅而宽的小齿,侧脉 10-13 对,叶柄稀疏贴伏微柔毛,萼片 5,花瓣 20-22 ,子房扁球形,花柱被绒毛且离生至基部。
小到中型常绿灌木,高 3-5 米,有时多茎,半直立习性,分枝稀少,枝条纤细;幼枝(小枝)淡褐色,光滑,先具长硬毛后无毛,先斜向上后曲折;半成熟枝肉桂棕色,光滑,叶痕突出;成熟枝和树干浅灰色至暗灰白色,树皮纵向开裂/略有皱褶。叶芽淡绿色,然后变为淡褐色,被微柔毛,稍镰刀形,先端尖锐,稍弯曲;幼叶柔软下垂,淡紫到绿紫色;成熟叶椭圆形到宽椭圆形, 15-20.5 x 5-9 厘米,先端渐狭或狭渐尖,基部锐尖到部分钝,稍不对称,边缘具浅而宽的小齿;叶片革质,正面深绿色,发亮无毛,背面暗淡苍绿色,有稀疏贴伏微柔毛;叶柄弯曲凹陷,稍扁平,厚,两面淡绿色,10-15 x 2-2.5 毫米,疏生贴伏微柔毛;主脉 [背面部分被叶片阻挡] 在叶柄正面延续为一条浅沟。下部宽1.5-1.7毫米,上部宽不到1毫米,正面淡绿色,背面黄绿色;羽状次脉,有10-13对脉,不明显有帚状脉,有些叶片上有部分帚状脉;中脉和侧脉在上面凹陷,在下面突出;下部脉明显,但向先端和边缘较少;第三脉松散,不明显有嵴状脉,在叶缘较突出。花单生或总状花序(2(-3)朵花),生于叶腋的短枝上,直径 4.5-6 厘米,花有花梗,有节;花梗长 0.7-1 厘米,宽 0.3-0.4 厘米,上部较宽,无毛,淡绿乳白色 [淡黄色];花蕾稍向下弯曲,有点圆/球形,长约 1.4 × 1.5 厘米,鲜红色。小苞片 3-4 ,宽三角形到半圆形, 1.5-2.5 x 2-3 毫米,无毛,边缘具缘毛,宿存。萼片 5,宿存,半圆形, 4-8 x 6-10 毫米,背面淡黄色微染带红色和稀疏贴伏短绒毛,正面淡黄色无毛,边缘全缘/具缘毛,排列成 2 轮,形成相当松散的螺旋形,外轮 2 枚萼片,内轮 3 枚萼片。花瓣 20-22 片,排列成 3 轮,鲜红色,有光泽,有明显而强烈的白色边缘,宽 1.5-2 毫米;最外轮由 7-8 片花瓣组成,半圆形, 1.5-2.4 x 1.2-1.8 厘米,凹陷,边缘全缘,有时皱褶,顶端背面具短绒毛;中轮由 11 片花瓣组成,宽倒卵形, 2.7-3.7 x 2-2.5 厘米,凹,边缘具荷叶边,背面具短柔毛在顶部或无毛;最内轮2-3瓣,椭圆形, 3.3-3.5 x1.3-2.2 厘米,无毛,具荷叶边,基部与最外轮花丝合生达5-10毫米。雄蕊群约 350 个,排列成 4 或 5 列,淡黄色,长 2.4-3 厘米,无毛;外花丝基部互相连接,长 1.5-1.8 厘米,形成杯状,内花丝基部连接,长 4-7 毫米;花药黄色,狭卵形, 长约2.5-3.1 毫米,有两条纵纹,背着。子房上位,扁平球形,顶生 4 或 5 个花柱,强烈 4-5 裂,黄色,被绒毛,4-5 具心皮, 2.5-3 X 3-3.5 毫米,每室 1-2 胚珠。花柱4或5,离生至基部,长1.8-2.3厘米,基部宽0.5-0.7毫米,先端长约0.5毫米,黄色,被绒毛,宿存;柱头不清楚。成熟的蒴果扁球形,有宿存的萼片和花柱,4-5枚不规则浅裂,直径4-5.5厘米,高2-2.3厘米,上部开裂成4-5裂爿、每裂爿有1-2枚种子;新鲜的果皮厚3-4毫米,有软鳞片和稀疏的白色毛。种子球形、半球形或楔形, 1.6-1.8 x 1.2-1.5 厘米,棕色,具短柔毛。
分布与生态: 该新种分布于越南中部义安省和清化省的两个地方,生长在海拔 260-600 米的 Pù Hoạt NR 和海拔 500 米左右的 Xuân Liên NR 热带次生常绿阔叶混交林的溪流边、潮湿地面或山坡上。
该物种由 Luong Van Dung、Nguyen Thi Lieu、Do Cong Thuan、Tran Ninh、Chiyomi Uematsu 和 Hironori Katayama 于 2016 年 12 月在清化省顺宣县延年乡(宣连自然保护区)发现。Do Ngoc Dai、Ly Ngoc Sam、Le Thi Huong和Nguyen Danh Hung 也于 2019 年在义安省 Que Phong 县 Dong Van 乡发现了该物种。2022 年,作者 Ly Ngoc Sam、Luong Van Dung、Le Thi Huong、Do Ngoc Dai、Tran Ninh、Nguyen Anh Duc、Nguyen Thi Lieu、Chiyomi Uematsu 和 Hironori Katayama 在Taiwania 67: 244 (2022)上发表了新种,学名为 Camellia annamensis 。越南语名称的意思是中部山茶,世界上仅有分布于越南清化和义安的记录。
» Distribution
Species in the Same Section: 匹克茶 Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy、维达尔茶 Camellia vidalii Rosmann、大叻山茶 Camellia dalatensis V. D. Luong, Ninh & Hakoda、龙氏山茶 Camellia longii Orel & Luu、松泰山茶 Camellia sonthaiensis Luu, V.D.Luong, Q.D.Nguyen & T.Q.T.Nguyen、五边形山茶 Camellia pentagonalema Orel & Curry、郎边山茶 Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô、普罗山茶 Camellia proensis V.D.Luong, Dudkin & V.H.Quach、吉仙山茶 Camellia cattienensis Orel、钟花山茶 Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu、同奈山茶 Camellia dongnaiensis Orel、文协山茶 Camellia hiepii V.S.Dang, Vuong, V.C.Nguyen & V.D.Luong、汉巴山茶 Camellia honbaensis Luu, Q.D.Nguyen & G.Tran、芳芝山茶 Camellia phuongchiana Curry, V.H.Quach, T.T.Hoang & Q.C.Truong、斯范山茶 Camellia sphamii Q.C.Truong & V.S.Le、超美山茶 Camellia decora Orel, Curry & Luu