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钟花山茶 Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu

Last Updated:2025/2/27 8:47:48 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status:Critically Endangered

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu  Orel, G. S. Curry, A. (2015). In Pursuit of Hidden Camellias 32 New Camellia species from Vietnam and China. p.154-165. Theaceae Exploration Associates, Sydney. Australia. Accepted Name


» Description

Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu, in Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 154-165 (2015). TYPE: Vietnam. Binh Phuoc Prov.: about 1.0 km from Cambodian border, July 2011, Luu Hong Truong & Nguyen Quoc Dat, G. Orel & A. S. Curry 1257 (holotype: VNM; isotype, NSW).

Description: Small tree, 2- 2.5 m high, sparsely branched; young branches glabrous. Leaves stalked, petioles short; blades slightly coriaceous, narrow elliptic, 30-38 cm long and 7.5-8.5 cm wide, glabrous; base obtuse to shallowly cordate; apex acute to cuspidate; margins entire or narrow serration, slightly undulate; lateral veins 24-28 pairs. Flowers red to orange, axillary or terminal, solitary, campanulate, 7.5-8.0 cm long, 5.0-6.0 cm wide; sepals 3, triangular and hairy; petals 6, glabrous; androecium numerous, 4.0-4.5 cm long, glabrous; ovary 4-5, tomentose, styles 4-5, free to the base, pubescent. Fruits have not seen. Blooming season: Winter to Spring. Distribution: Bu Dang District, Binh Phuoc Province. Endemic to Vietnam.

IUCN Red List Category. The type species was collected from a population of few mature plants observed at the location of the discovery. Juvenile plants or seedlings were not found. Given this situation, we consider the IUCN category of Critically Endangered (CR) to be appropriate (IUCN 2011).

Note: Camellia campanulata was first recorded in the list of unpublished species (Orel & Curry, 2015), but it is an accepted name in Plants of the World Online. Orel and Curry (2015) established Camellia sect. Lecomtia Orel with only one species, C. campanulata. However, C. campanulata should be placed under sect. Piquetia because it possesses the following characteristics: leaf blades very large, 30–38 cm long, 7.5–9 cm wide; flower axillary or terminal, solitary, pedicellate, nodding; bracteoles 3–4, persistent; petals 6; stamens free; gynoecium densely hairy; style 5-(or 6-)lobed, free to base. In particular, C. campanulata is closest to C. longii (in sect. Piquetia) in having young branches glabrous; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, 27–38 cm long and 7.5–12.5 cm wide, apex acute, base obtuse; mature flower campanulate, axillary or terminal, solitary; petals 5–6, concave; filaments glabrous, outer parts united with the petals and one another, 3–5 cm long; style 5(–6); and ovary 5-locular.

» Distribution

  VIETNAM: Binh Phuoc Province, endemic to  Vietnam.


» Description

钟花山茶 (Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu). Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 154-165 (2015)

小乔木,,高2-2.5米,枝叶稀疏;幼枝无毛。有柄,叶柄短;叶片稍革质,狭椭圆形,长30-38厘米,宽7.5-8.5厘米,无毛;基部钝至浅心形;先端锐尖至骤尖;边缘全缘或有狭锯齿,稍波状;侧脉24-28对。红色至橙色,腋生或顶生,单生,钟状,长7.5-8.0厘米,宽5.0-6.0厘米;萼片3,三角形,有毛;花瓣6,无毛;雄蕊群多数,长4.0-4.5厘米,无毛;子房4-5,被绒毛,花柱4-5,离生至基部,被短柔毛。未见果实。开花季节: 冬季至春季。分布地区:平福省布当县,越南特有。

注:该种由 Luu Hong Truong、Nguyen Quoc Dat、George Orel 和 Anthony Curry 于 2011 年在平福省发现。2015 年,在《追寻隐藏的山茶花》一书中,作者乔治-奥雷尔(George Orel)和安东尼-库里(Anthony S. Curry)发表了一个新种,学名为 Camellia campanulata,越南语名称为钟花山茶。Orel 和 Curry(2015 年)建立了山茶属新组( Camellia sect.  Lecomtia),仅包含一个种C. campanulata 然而,它应应归入匹克茶组(sect. Piquetia),因为它具有以下特征:叶片非常大,长 30-38 厘米,宽 7.5-9 厘米;花腋生或顶生,单生,有花梗,有节;小苞片 3-4 枚,宿存;花瓣 6;雄蕊离生;雌蕊群密毛;花柱 5-(或 6-)裂,离生至基部。特别是,C. campanulata 与 C. longii(属于匹克茶组)最接近,其幼枝无毛;叶片狭椭圆形,长 27-38 厘米,宽 7.5-12.5 厘米,先端锐尖,基部钝;成熟花钟状,腋生或顶生,单生;花瓣 5-6 ,凹陷;花丝无毛,外部与花瓣和彼此相连,长 3-5 厘米;花柱 5(-6);子房 5 室。

» Distribution

