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Home/ Species/ Camellia chuongtsoensis

崇左金花茶 Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y. Liang et. L. D. Huang

Last Updated:2025/2/21 13:30:51 By:wangzhonglang


Conservation Status

Remarks:This name is accepted


Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y.Liang et. L. D. Huang  Guangxi Forestry 2010(6):33 Accepted Name [PDF]


» Description

Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y.Liang et. L. D. Huang sp. nov. in Guangxi Forestry 2010(6):33.  In 2014 this plant was again published as the name Camellia perpetua Liang et Huang in   Landscape Plant Study ﹠ Application 2014(1):69-70.   Evergreen shrub, up to 5 m tall, with maroon bark, glabrous shoots, brownish grey old branches; leaves leathery, elliptic, 8-11 cm long, 3.5-4.5 em wide, apex purely acuminate, base nearly rounded, leaf surface dark green shiny, abaxial leaf surface light green, both surfaces glabrous, midvein raised on both surfaces, lateral veins 4-5 pairs, margins finely serrated, petiole green, 0.4-0.5 cm long, glabrous; flowers often solitary or axillary, thin yellow, flower diameter 5-6 cm, petals 13-16, long elliptic, glabrous; flowers often solitary or axillary, thin yellow, flower diameter 5-6 cm, petals 13-16, long elliptic, glabrous. glabrous; flowers often solitary or axillary, thin yellow, 5-6cm in diameter, 13-16 petals, long elliptic, 1.3-2.6cm long, 2.1-2.3cm wide, outer whorl smaller, 0.8-1.3cm long, 2.0-2.2cm wide, inner whorl of 2-3 petals, smaller, sub-long elliptic, 0.6-1.3cm long, 1.8-2.1cm wide. Flower buds ovate, yellow, bracts 5, light green, glabrous, semi-orbicular, 2 persistent, sepals 3, suborbicular, glabrous, persistent, stamens numerous or arranged in whorls of 5, filaments glabrous, outer filament whorl bases attached to short Kan, inner filament whorl bases free, anthers yellow, ellipsoid, ovary sub-globose, glabrous, styles 3, fully divided, 2-2.5em long, glabrous. Capsule angular-globose, fruit 1.5-2cm, three-loculed, mature pericarp yellowish, smooth. Seeds 1-2, glabrous. Fl. May-Dec. and fr. Sep-Oct. of current year. This species occurs in limestone mountains at an altitude of 350 m in Chongzuo City, Guangxi, and is cultivated in Jinhua Tea Park, Nanning City, Guangxi.

» Distribution

Guangxi: Chongzuo

» Description

崇左金花茶 Camellia chuongtsoensis S.Y. Liang et. L. D. Huang 首次发表于《广西林业》2010年6期33页. 常绿灌木、高达5米,树皮褐红色、嫩枝无毛、老枝褐灰色;叶革质、椭圆形、长8~11cm、宽3.5~4 .5em、先端纯渐、基部近圆形、叶面深绿色发亮、叶背浅绿色、两面均无毛,中脉两面突起、侧脉4-5对,边缘细锯齿、叶柄绿色、长0.4—0.5 cm, 无毛;花常单生或腋生,薄黄 色、花径5~6cm、花瓣13-16片、长椭圆形、长1.3-2.6cm、宽2.1~2.3 cm、外轮花瓣较小、长0.8-1.3cm、宽2.0-2.2cm、内轮花瓣2-3片,较小近长椭圆形、长0.6一1.3cm、宽1.8~2.1cm,花梗长0.5cm。花蕾卵形,黄色、苞片5、淡绿色无毛、半圆形,宿存2片,萼片3、近圆形、无毛、宿存、雄蕊多数或5 轮排列、花丝无毛、外轮花丝基部连生短菅、内轮花丝基部离生、花药黄色、椭圆形、子房近 球形、无毛,花柱3条、完全分裂、长2~2 .5em、无毛。蒴果具棱球形、果实1.5-2cm、三室、成熟的果皮淡黄色、光滑。种子1-2粒、无毛。花期5月-12月、果期当年9-10月。该物种产于广西崇左市海拔350米的石灰岩山中,栽培在广西南宁市金花茶公园。

» Distribution

